A Visit from Dad

I was sixteen when mom and dad divorced. It had been two years since I had seen him, so you could imagine my surprise when I came home to his car in our driveway. Mom hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. She hadn’t mentioned him, so I wasn’t sure why he was here. I walked into the quiet house, yelling to mom first. “Mom, I see dad’s car in the driveway. Is he here?” My question was greeted with silence, which was strange. Maybe they went somewhere or something? I walked up the stairs walking past my mom’s room. I could faint noises coming from the room, noises that sounded like she was struggling. As I started to open her door, the door flung open. I was pulled in, then thrown to the floor. I heard the door slam and lock behind me. I hit the floor so hard I didn’t know what was happening. I could hear my mother struggling more. It sounded like she was gagged, but from where I was on the floor, I couldn’t tell where she was. I was grabbed by my hair, the person dragging me to my feet. When I stood up, I could see my mom bound and gagged on the bed to the left of me. To the right of me was a mirror. From the corner of my eye, I could tell who was doing it. It was my dad. He turned me around, grabbing my next immediately. “Don’t make a fucking sound,” he whispered. I looked up at my father as he choked me hard. I wrapped my hand around his, trying to tell him to let go. Instead, he only choked me harder. When I started to see stars, he threw me on the bed. He began to rip my clothes off, holding me by my neck as I struggled. I was now lying naked under him, my clothes thrown everywhere. He kept his hand firm on my neck. He knew I didn’t have enough breath in my body to fight him anymore. He freed his hard cock from his pants, wasting no time shoving it in my mouth. He fucked my mouth as I coughed and gagged in response. My mom was screaming through the tape on her mouth, but I couldn’t make out any words she was saying. He fucked my throat until he was even stiffer. He flipped me over on the bed, then began forcing his cock into my ass. I knew he told me not to make a sound, but I couldn’t control myself. I screamed at the top of my lungs, sobbing as he ripped my ass. When he finished forcing himself in me, he stopped, looking at my mom. “See, if you would’ve let me do this when we were married, it could’ve spared our sweet little girl. Never mind that now, though.” He fucked my ass hard, slowly picking up his pace. The more he fucked me, the worse it hurt. He didn’t care if he was hurting me, though. He was angry. He was angry at mom for divorcing him. He was angry at mom for keeping me from him. He was angry at me for never reaching out to him. He felt abandoned. He felt like we didn’t care. This was him getting his revenge. I was always the most important thing to mom, so hurting me was the easiest way to hurt her. He kept up his hard, fast pace, occasionally choking me. He filled my ass with his cum, pulling out after the last strand of cum was shot into me. He pulled me to my knees, shoving his cock in my mouth. He fucked my mouth slowly, making me clean off his cock. He spat on my face as I did it, smiling as I flinched. When he was content with my cleaning, he pulled his cock out again. He put his cock away, unlocked the door, then left.

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