A Slut’s Love Language

Affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, gifts, and quality time make up the five love languages. These are the ways we show and receive love. Everyone needs love. Everyone needs to be shown that they’re loved, including cunts. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that cunts don’t deserve any sort of kindness, consideration, rights, pretty much anything an actual human needs and deserves, but when it comes to love, I think they need it. You may ask why, and I’ll tell you why. If a cunt knows it’s loved, it’ll give it more of a reason to submit. Of course, you can always just force it to do whatever you want, and you can threaten and punish it when it disobeys you. On days where you don’t feel up to abusing your cunt to make it do what you want, it’s nice to have a cunt that’ll freely do whatever you tell it to. This is where love comes in. I don’t want you to think that I actually treat my cunt with respect, though. These five things are the perfect way to show cunts you love them.

First is affirmation. I’m lucky because my cunt response very well to this. Instead of telling her that I love her or that she’s beautiful, I tell her that she’s dumb, worthless, and brainless. I remind her as often as possible that she is inadequate, idiotic, and simply stupid. See, my whore reacts well to this. Whenever I say any of these things to her, her cunt starts to drool immediately.

Second is physical touch. Cunts always need to know that they are being useful. That’s the most important thing to them. Whenever your cunt does something right, make sure you show it. This could be anything from spitting in their mouths, slapping them, punching them, whipping them. Just do something physical to show your appreciation.

Third is acts of service. Do something to your cunt that you don’t normally do. I rarely fuck my cunt, so from time to time, I’ll hate fuck her ass, unlubed, of course. This is only one example, though. You can do whatever you feel would be an act of service to your cunt. Maybe it’s tossing them a blanket while they sleep on the cold hard floor during winter, letting her sit on the furniture, or letting her shower like a human, instead of hiding her down like the animal she is. The possibilities with this one are endless.

Fourth is gifts. If you’re saying to yourself that whores don’t deserve anything, you’re right. Don’t waste your money on them. Your cum and piss is enough of a gift for them. Make them thank you for pissing or cumming on them or in them. Remind them that they are to thank you every single time you give them one of these gifts. 

Lastly, quality time. Like acts of service, these possibilities are limitless. Personally, when I get home from work, I have my cunt lick my balls and asshole for a few hours. This is our quality time. I talk about my day as she laps away at my balls and ass like the pathetic dog she is. I never ask her about her day, though, that doesn’t matter. I also throw in some affirmations while she’s down there. You can do this, or make her suck your cock while you’re eating the dinner she prepared you, or using her as a coffee table or footrest as you watch TV. 

I hope you’ve all learned something from this. Whores need to know their owner cares! Make sure you show them, but make sure you show them the ‘right’ way.

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