Family Summer Barbecue

Disclaimer: This is obviously all fantasy and all age play. If you don’t like age play don’t read this.

“Come on, kiddo, it’s time for our bath,” Dad shouted from the bathroom. I crawled out of bed still groggy from last night’s sleep. Usually Dad lets me sleep in a little bit on the weekend, but since today was a big day, he wanted to make sure I was ready. Dad was already in the bath, his adult parts already big and hard. I got into the bath and Dad sat me on his lap. He tickled me for a few seconds, causing me to move around in his lap. Dad made the funny sounds he usually always makes when I’m in his lap, but instead of the usual play time we would always have, he stuck to washing me. Dad said I’d have a lot of play time later when everyone arrived. After the bath, Dad dried me off, paying close attention to my little parts. He left a little kiss on it before telling me how much he can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve learned since the last time I’ve seen them. Dad was torn between putting me in my favorite princess dress or something that would keep me from getting too hot in the sun. He opted for a pair of shorts that were really tiny and a little t-shirt that I couldn’t read. He helped me put my frilly little socks on and my sneakers before telling me how sexy I looked. Dad told me to go play while he went and got dressed for the day. 

It wasn’t long before everyone started to arrive. Dad was having a barbecue to start the summer. He invited my uncles and my grandpa. I hadn’t seen them since Christmas. As they all trickled in, Dad told me to come downstairs. I was greeted with a bunch of hugs and kisses from everyone. They told me how much I had grown since they last saw me a few months prior. Grandpa carried me out to the backyard, putting me on his lap as he sat down. Grandpa bounced me on his lap as he talked to my uncles. Dad was in charge of cooking the food, so he left me with the rest of the family to be watched. Occasionally, Grandpa would let me sit in my other uncles’ laps, but I always ended up back with him. Grandpa said I was his favorite grandchild, especially since I was the only girl. “Grandpa, I need to go potty,” I said as I tried climbing off his lap. He smiled down at me before holding me in place. “No, sweetheart, you can’t go yet,” he pouted at me. He handed me the bottle he was drinking and told me to drink from it. He called me a good girl as I drank down whatever he gave me. Dad drank out of these bottles all the time, but he told me I was too young to have them. Dad always gave me his special apple juice or milk instead. He told me it’d help me grow big and strong. 

After what felt like forever, I brought it up to Grandpa that I had to potty again, this time really, really badly. Grandpa laughed at me before tickling me. I couldn’t help but giggle and laugh as he tickled me, but I soon stopped laughing when I realized what was happening. I felt a warm, wet spot growing in my shorts. “Oh no, looks like someone wasn’t able to hold it,” Grandpa said before standing up. I left a spot on his pants, but I noticed his adult part was big and hard under his pants, just like Dad’s always is. When Dad turned around and saw my wet shorts he was very disappointed in me. “Bad girl, very bad girl,” he said before walking over to me. “I don’t have time to help you change and you’re too small to do it alone.” He looked up at my uncles and my grandpa and smirked, before telling me to come to him. He yanked down my shorts revealing my bare parts. Dad never gave me panties. “If you’re going to dirty yourself, you aren’t going to get clothes. What do I always tell you?” When my eyes started to well up with tears, Dad kissed me and told me it was ok. Dad told me to go play because it was almost time for everyone to eat. 

Dad, Grandpa, and my uncles ate while I played. I wasn’t allowed to eat yet. Dad said I was going to be getting more than enough milk and apple juice to fill my little tummy, so I wouldn’t need to eat anything. It didn’t take long for Dad to finish his food. He sat at the end of the table, everyone facing him. He pulled me onto his lap, spreading my legs. All the men stared at us smiling, telling me how cute I looked. Uncle Rick told me he loved my shirt. I told him I didn’t know what it said, which made everyone laugh at me. After all the laughing subsided, Grandpa said,“Sweetheart, it says ‘Little Cumslut.’” “Daddy, what’s a cumslut?” Dad smirked before saying, “It’s little girls like you that love milkies. You love milkies don’t you, little one?” When I shook my head yes, everyone smiled at me. “Good, you’re going to be getting a tummy full of milkies today. Everyone’s gonna give you milkies, the only difference is, it won’t be from your bottle. It’ll be from everyone’s adult parts. Is that ok, sweetheart?” I nodded my head with glee, before Dad kissed my mouth. 

“I guess it’s time I tell you all while you’re truly here,” Dad said to everyone. “I didn’t care about having a barbecue to bring in the summer. I just needed a way to bring everyone here. I wanted to surprise you guys. Little one here can now take my adult part in her kiddie hole, and I wanted you all to experience it.” Everyone cheered and laughed, telling me how good I was. Dad told everyone to clear the table before sitting me up there. “Keep your legs open, kiddo. Let everyone see,” Dad said as he stroked my little parts. “See how nice and wet it gets? It’s still really tight, but you can maybe put it in without her screaming and crying too much. I was thinking I’d break in the other hole,” Dad said, talking to everyone. They all agreed in unison before Dad walked around the other side of the table. He told me to lay down as he grabbed some of my jump ropes. He tied the ropes to my wrists and ankles before tying them to the legs of the table. I couldn’t move at all. I watched as everyone got undressed, staring at all the big adult parts. “You’re gonna have to be a good girl for us. I’ll let you play in the kiddie pool when we’re done. You have to be quiet, though. We don’t want anyone taking Daddy away do we?” When I shook my head no, Dad smiled. He kissed my lips, normal at first, but he forced his tongue in my mouth. His tongue explored my little mouth as I felt multiple hands over my body. I heard everyone whispering amongst themselves as they smiled down at me. Grandpa brushed his fingers against my little holes before kneeling down. “Let’s get you cleaned up from earlier, shall we?” Grandpa started to lick my little parts, which felt weird at first, especially because of his beard. When I started to make the happy noises Daddy loves so much, he started to lick a little faster. “She tastes so sweet. Just like all the candy she eats,” Grandpa said. Dad moved away from my mouth so Uncle Rick could come closer. Uncle Rick kissed my mouth like Dad did, before grabbing his adult part. He rubbed it slowly before telling me to open my mouth. I opened it immediately, which led to uncle Rick sliding his part into my mouth. “You’re doing a great job raising her,” he said to Dad, as he continued to move his parts in and out of my mouth. Uncle Rick picked up his speed, pushing his part deeper into my throat. I started to cough and drool, which made me uncomfortable. As I started to move, Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie held me down. Uncle Rick moved faster, pushing his part even deeper. He started to make the funny sounds Dad does every time he does that to me. “Here comes your milk, baby,” Uncle Rick said, before groaning. He shoved his parts all the way down my throat before giving me his milk. His milk was also salty like Daddy’s. He kissed my forehead before sitting in the chair. His adult part was still hard as he began to rub it slowly. Grandpa still kept his tongue on my little parts, darting between my holes. Uncle Ronnie was next to use my mouth like Uncle Rick. It didn’t take long for Uncle Ronnie to give me his milk too. As Uncle Jack moved to my mouth, I could see Daddy getting my kiddie pool and putting it in the middle of the backyard. I watched as he put his apple juice in the pool. I was a little sad, because I like to drink it, but I do love playing in it too. While Uncle Jack was using my mouth, Grandpa stood up. He spread my little parts open, giving them a good look. He spit in his hand and grabbed his part, before rubbing it. Grandpa shoved his part into my little part, causing me to scream around Uncle Jack’s part. Everyone hushed me in unison, telling me to be quiet and to be a good girl. It hurt so much, more than when Dad did it for the first time. Grandpa moved his part in and out slowly, matching the pace Uncle Jack was using in my mouth. Uncle Ronnie and Uncle Rick went to my hands, rubbing their parts with my hands. Dad walked around taking pictures. He loved taking pictures so show his friends at work. When Uncle Jack gave me his milkies, Grandpa took his part out of my little parts before shoving it in my mouth. He gave me his milkies too, but his part tasted like my little parts. Each of the men took turns using my little part. It hurt so much, but I didn’t scream or cry because I wanted to be a good girl. Each of them would use my little part, but they still made sure to give me my milkies in my mouth. Afterall, Dad said I was still too little to have milkies in my little part. He said once I’m old enough he’ll give me milkies so I can have a real baby doll to play with. When all the men had a turn using my little hole, they all gathered around, looking at it. “Look how gaped it is now. It was so tiny before, but it’s open now,” Grandpa said. “It didn’t take us long to ruin that hole. Who knows if it’ll go back to how it was before,” Uncle Jack said, laughing. “I don’t think we can call it a little part anymore. I think it’s time we upgrade it to cunt,” Dad said, as he moved his fingers in and out of me. “I think it’s also time I get to break in the next hole. You guys get to watch, but I’m the only one using this today,” Dad said, as he grabbed a pillow from one of the patio chairs. He put the pillow underneath me, which raised me up a little. He told one of my uncles to get him some tape. Dad took a piece of tape and put it over my mouth, just like he did the night he used my little part for the first time. I was very scared because I remembered how much it hurt when Daddy used me for the first time. I didn’t know what he was doing now. He told all the men to make sure they held me down. He didn’t think the ropes were enough. He also told Grandpa to cover my mouth. Once everyone was in place, Dad rubbed his parts against my sore little part. My part was really wet, but he still spit on his hand, rubbing his part like Grandpa did. I figured Dad was going to put his part in my little part again, but to my surprise, he went lower. He placed his part right at the opening of my other little hole. I started to move around more and more as he pushed, but everyone held me down. Dad slid in slowly, but I was already crying, trying to scream. “Fuck it’s tight,” Dad told everyone as he pushed deeper. I was full on sobbing at this time. Grandpa wiped my tears with the hand he wasn’t using to muffle me. Dad moved in and out of me slowly, telling everyone it was hard to hold back. Uncle Ronnie told him to go faster, Uncle Jack agreed. Uncle Ricky grabbed his phone and started to record. Dad picked up his pace, moving in and out faster and faster. Grandpa leaned down in my ear and told me I was okay. He told me he was going to take me out for ice cream and to buy a new doll. He told me he’d even take me to Disneyland for being such a brave girl. Dad moved in and out of me a few more times before making those funny noises. He put his milk in my other little hole. He smiled at everyone before pulling all the way out. They all ran to look at my hole, now driping milk. It was swollen and sore. It hurt to even breathe. Dad came up to my mouth, removing the tape. “Such a brave girl. You’re the bravest little girl in the world,” Dad kissed me before putting his part in my mouth. “Lick it and suck it clean like a lollipop. That’s my good girl,” he said as I licked his part. “She’s so obedient, just like her mother was for me”, Grandpa said. Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie helped untie me. Uncle Jack carried me to the kiddie pool, sitting me in it. “Are you ready for your apple juice?” I nodded my head as all the men gathered around. They all gave me their apple juice at the same time, spraying it on my face, body, hair, and mouth. Daddy promised that the next time they were ready to give me apple juice it’d go in my tummy, but they wanted me to splash around for them first. The rest of the afternoon was spent with me splashing around in the apple juice while the men talked. Occasionally, one of the men would give me apple juice or milkies or use my little hole again. Dad told everyone they could stay the night, so I knew that the fun was just getting started.

Earning Dad’s Love: Lesson 1

I couldn’t wait for the moment I started college. I had counted down the seconds until I could get away from my abusive father. My mother had left years ago, leaving me with him. I always resented her for it, but as I grew older, I understood why she left. Dad was flat out terrible. He was always mean and angry. He always seemed to hate me. I never got the feeling that he loved me. Sure, it caused me to develop severe daddy issues, which led to me begging for attention from any older man that would give it to me the moment I turned 18, but I still always thought I turned out okay. I was smart and one point ambitious. The lowest I would get on a test would be a B-, but even with that it wasn’t enough for dad. Dad would beat me and hit me constantly. He was a perfectionist on top of all the other “great” qualities he had. I had learned to cook and clean like a picture perfect housewife before I was 18 or I would be battered and bruised. Though I hated learning how to cook and clean while my friends were out partying and having fun, it did lead me to finding an older man near where I went to college. For years I did all the housework for him while pleasing him sexually. It was fun to finally be away from that monster I came from. But, good things don’t always last. As I was concluding my final year in college, I had come to the realization I wanted to be a housewife. I had no interest in working for anyone. The thought of keeping a house and having children was what excited me, not putting my diploma to use. As I came to this realization, the older man I had been dating decided he didn’t want children. He also decided he didn’t want me. I found myself packing my bags and heading back to live with my father the day after graduation. I didn’t tell him I was close to graduating, because I didn’t want him there. When I turned up at his doorstep after not speaking for years, he definitely had mixed feelings. He had only taken me in because I was his daughter, and even though he never showed he loved me, he also didn’t believe in letting me live on the street. I could also tell he really didn’t want me back at home, through. When I told him I had graduated, I couldn’t tell if he even cared that he wasn’t invited to the ceremony. He sort of just shrugged it off. He had asked me about what I wanted to do for work, more so to get a feel of when I’d be leaving his house, and not to see what my interests were. When I told him I didn’t want to work, he laughed at me. He told me he knew I was too stupid to get a job and that I would realize this eventually. He also told me, to my surprise, that no man would ever want me. He told me I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t worthy of love. He reassured me that I didn’t have his love, so why would anyone else be willing to give it to me. I couldn’t help but notice the devious smile that crept across his face as he saw the tears start to fall from my eyes. He laughed at me before telling me I at least had a nice face and body and that would maybe give me a fighting chance to find someone. He made sure to eagerly remind me not to get my hopes up, though. The night ended with me running to my room and crying my eyes out for the rest of the night. 

The next morning I was woken up to the sound of my father pounding on my door. I could hear his anger with each kick and hit of the door. When I opened the door, I was greeted with a slap to the face. “Did you forget your fucking rules? Why the fuck was breakfast not on the table at 8 and why the fuck was this door locked. You’re back in my house under my rules,” he spat at me before hitting me again. He threw me to the floor before raising his fist at me. He looked over my trembling body, before demanding I look at him. As I looked at him, I could see in his face he was thinking of something. He grabbed me by the arm before dragging me off to the couch. He sat down in front of me, looking at my helpless body. Dad was always a lot bigger and stronger than me. He was always in shape and was very active. He would play sports on the weekend all the time when I was younger. It was the only time I had any peace at home. Dad was very good looking, if not anything else, I always had to admit that. “I’m feeling nice today, but don’t get used to it, I promise you this won’t happen often. Would you prefer to be beaten, or would you prefer option number two? Choose carefully, because you won’t be able to change your mind once you say it.” I was silent for a few moments, trying to figure out what option two could be. I knew it couldn’t be worse than his beatings. I had permanent marks from when he would hit me when I was younger. As I sat there contemplating, dad uttered the words that would change our relationship forever. “Option two isn’t conventional, but option two might eventually, way down the line, lead to me finally being proud of you and loving you.” Though he made sure to emphasize the words “way down the line,” I was still the desperate little girl that wanted nothing more than her father’s love. Without thinking, I told him option two. It was the first time he called me a good girl. He told me to come over to the couch before grabbing my arm tightly. He looked into my eyes and said, “once you choose this there’s no going back, I assure you I will never ever love you if you change your mind. Do you understand?” I nodded in agreement, before watching in shock and horror as he began to unzip his pants. He pulled out his cock, already hard and ready. “You’re not going to live here doing nothing. You’ll be serving me like you’ll be serving your future husband, if you find someone dumb enough to marry you. I’m going to teach you how to be a good wife, since you’ve already failed at being a good daughter. Being able to cook and clean isn’t enough. The most important thing you need to learn is how to please a man. Tell me, are you a virgin?” When I shook my head no, he rolled his eyes before slapping me. “I knew you were going to be a whore. If you want to be a whore, I’ll show you how to be a whore. Whores need to know how to suck cock. Go on, show me how you suck it.” He let go of my arm, seeing if I’d run away, he was testing me, testing how much I wanted his love and approval. I earned another good girl as I positioned myself between his legs. I started with sucking the tip, which earned me a few moans. I slowly took more and more of my father into my throat, gagging along the way. “Good. Most guys like to hear a woman struggle to choke down their cock. I’m glad you still have a gag reflex.” The older guy I was with before didn’t have the biggest cock in the world. I never had an issue taking him down my throat, but dad was significantly bigger. I bobbed my head up and down, making sure to stop momentarily at the base each time. “Good girl, blow the cock you came out of,” dad groaned. When he said that, it snapped me back to reality. I couldn’t believe I was on my knees in front of my own abusive father swallowing down his cock. I was disgusted, but when I tried to pull away he grabbed me. “Oh? You’re okay with being a disappointed to your father? The only parent that cared enough to stay in your life? If you don’t want my love and approval you can leave right fucking now and go live on the street like the whore you are. I wish I would’ve had a son. He wouldn’t have disappointed me. I’d love him unconditionally. That gash between your legs makes you unlovable. I hate it and I hate you. I’m being gracious and letting you stay in my house again and you won’t even try to be a good daughter.” I was sobbing my eyes out at this point, not sure what to do. I was completely repulsed by what I was doing, but I truly did want my father’s love. “Either get your mouth back on my cock or I’ll beat you and if you live, IF, I will throw you onto the street and you’ll be dead to me.” Through my sobs I took his cock back in my mouth, sucking and licking up and down. “Kiss it. Kiss it as a thank you for me being so kind to you.” I kissed his cock softly from head to base, making sure to show how thankful I was for this opportunity. He rubbed my head softly, whispering how much of a good girl I was and how proud of me he was as I worshiped his cock. This was truly the first time he told me he was proud of me. After a few minutes, he stood up. “Enough of the fatherly love. It’s time to show you how to really take a cock down your throat.” He gripped his hands in my hair before shoving his cock all the way down my throat. I coughed and sputtered but he didn’t care. He fucked my throat harder, causing even more tears to fall from my eyes. I drooled so much that I soaked through the t-shirt I wore to bed. He fucked my throat harder before bottoming out completely. He stayed there for a few moments, though it felt like hours. “If you puke I’ll knock your teeth out and you won’t get food for a week.” I tried my hardest to not puke, though his cock wasn’t moving at all. No amount of moving away, twisting, banging his thighs stopped him.” As he pushed me off of his cock, he watched all the spit that came out of my mouth. He cupped the spit in his hand before rubbing it all over my tear stained and puffy face. He jacked off over my face for a few seconds before cumming all over me. “I’m sure all your siblings would’ve been better than you, but since I’m stuck with you, you get to have them on your face.” He forced me to suck the final bit of cum from his cock before standing back and admiring what he did to me. “Not bad for your first lesson. We are going to have to rewrite your rules after breakfast, but I’ll give you your first new rule. If I cum on your face, you are to keep it there until I tell you otherwise. My cum is precious and you will treat it as such. Now, while I write down your new rules, you are going to go make my breakfast. This load on your face will be your breakfast when I finally allow you to eat it. Maybe you can earn people food for dinner if you follow all the rules from now on. Now go,” he yelled before spitting in my face. Even though I felt not only disgusted with myself but with everything that happened, I knew I was committed to finally earning my father’s love. I knew that nothing was going to stop me from finally being loved by him, nothing at all, no matter how depraved and disgusting it was.

Saving a Soul

I heard footsteps behind me in the sanctuary. I was focusing on filling the Baptismal pool, and assumed it was one of the Brothers walking out and leaving for the day. I didn’t bother to look behind me. It wasn’t until a soft voice spoke to me that I realized it wasn’t one of the Brothers. It was a voice I instantly remembered. “Hello Fr. Mason! Long time no see,” she smiled. I turned around and was greeted by a former student of mine. Elania attened the very prestigious Catholic school I taught at for years. I had actually retired not too long after she left. I hadn’t seen her since she walked across the stage on graduation day. She had grown up to be such a beautiful young woman. I figured at this point she had to be 24 or 25. She hugged me tightly as I asked her how she’d been. She went on and on about how college went, how her mother had moved cities, and how she was planning her wedding with her high school sweetheart. For the most part, I was very happy for her. I always thought she was a sweet girl and it seemed that hadn’t changed. What did change; however, was how she looked. First off, her body was different. Of course, I never looked at her in that way while she was in school, that would have been unspeakably wrong and I’m not that type of person, but I couldn’t help but notice her breasts had grown quite a lot since she graduated. She was quite a small girl, so it wasn’t hard for them to be noticeable. As she turned around to walk towards the pews, I noticed her breasts weren’t the only things that grew. Her clothing style had also changed. She was currently wearing a baby pink button-down blouse and floral aline skirt, with a white cardigan draped over her shoulders. She was also wearing a pair of white high-heeled Mary Janes. Her hair was done up in curls and her makeup was light and pretty. This was definitely something new. Though every student was required to wear uniforms, the school did give the children a bit of leeway to express themselves fashion wise. She was very obviously gothic or alternative or whatever you called it back then. She wore heavier black eye makeup and had as many piercings as she could without violating the rule book. Her hair was also always a bit messy too, like she had just rolled out of bed. The woman standing in front of me was the complete opposite of the girl I knew before. If not for her voice, her sweet, calming voice, I might not have recognized her. After letting her ramble on and on for a few minutes, I finally asked her why she was here. Of course, I didn’t mean it in a bad way, but as I said, I hadn’t seen her since graduation 7 years ago. Also, she never seemed to be interested in Catholicism. I knew she came from a religious background, but she never seemed to care for all the Catholic ways and traditions. Her fiance; however, came from a strict Catholic family. I could only assume that their being close to marriage is why she’s converted.

 “I’m here for confession, Father. Patrick wanted me to do this before our marriage. He thought it’d be a great idea to do this so we went into our marriage with “clean hearts” he called it. Patrick was an interesting kid, to say the least. He was a star athlete while in school. He excelled in several different sports. He started dating Elaina when she was a freshman and he was a sophomore. They were always the talk of the school, not necessarily for good reasons. Rumors had gone around several times about his infidelity and him just flat-out not treating her nicely. The two of them always seemed to be complete opposites. I know they say opposites attract, but they erred on the side of polar. It never seemed like they had anything in common. I never understood how their relationship worked. Not to mention, there were also rumors that he made her do things around the school, things that would’ve gotten them expelled if they were ever officially caught. I began to remember all the times after school Eliana would sit in my office her senior year. Patrick at that point was in college. Her father, who had been sickly since before she started high school, had finally succumbed to illness early into her final year. Because she didn’t have many friends and her boyfriend was in a different state, I told her she was free to stay in my office at any point during and after school hours if she needed to be alone. This is where I learned that the rumors of Patrick’s terrible behaviors were indeed true. It might be wrong to say, but I always hoped the two of them would break up. I always felt she deserved something better.

The confession started like any other. She confessed to things like the little white lies she had told and the very few times she cut a person in line at the store. I couldn’t help but laugh to myself. She was so innocent, I couldn’t help but find it adorable. Just when I started to think this, her confessions became more and more the opposite. She confessed to having premarital sex with Patrick. I had assumed this years ago based on the type of boy Patrick was. She also confessed to pleasing him orally around the high school, which confirmed the rumors I heard back then. She even confessed to masturbating. I’m not quite sure what started to come over me, but my mind began to wander. I began to think of her doing all these things, especially her touching herself. I wondered what her body looked and felt like. How her body reacted to certain touches. I started to feel myself growing underneath my clothes. I was honestly ashamed. She also confessed to having sinful sexual thoughts in general. She didn’t go into detail, but I was well aware of what that school taught students. They were taught that sex wasn’t for pleasure, only procreation between a married man and a woman. They were taught that enjoying unconventional things in the bedroom meant you weren’t pure and you were going to hell. Even though I thought this was all ridiculous and a bit too far, I never said anything. Her last confession kind of shocked me. She confessed to having sinful thoughts about other men who weren’t Patrick, but again she didn’t go into detail. I guess this shocked me because I knew everything he put her through. I had no clue she still felt some guilt about this. Honestly, this made me feel worse about their relationship. The joy in her voice when she walked in was gone. Her voice was soft and meek. I could tell she was shy and ashamed. I wrapped my arm around her shoulder to comfort her. I told her that she was forgiven and that everything would be ok. She smiled up at me before thanking me. She chuckled before shyly admitting she had another confession. “If I’m being honest, Father, I used to have the hugest crush on you when I was in school. You were definitely the hot teacher to me.” I was quite taken aback. I was a lot older than her. I had been teaching at the school for probably thirty years by the time she started high school. I was already completely gray by the time I met her. Growing up, I was told by girls all the time I was good-looking, but I never gave it much thought. Once I turned gray, I definitely never gave much thought to whether I was attractive or not. She looked at me nervously, as if I was going to be disgusted by what she just said, especially since I did visibly look shocked. I patted my hand in her lap gently, assuring her it was ok. Her face turned red just from that little touch. She put her hand on top of mine, rubbing it softly. “Would this be a bad time to also confess that some of those sinful thoughts were about you, Father. Some of those thoughts are still about you if I’m being completely honest.” I readjusted in my seat. The hardness I felt in my pants earlier was back again at full force. I smiled slyly before saying, “Of course not, my darling Eliana. Though, I would venture to say I won’t honestly know if it’s bad unless you tell me every single thought you’ve had.” I squeezed her thigh a little for encouragement. “Well Father, I can’t begin to tell you all the times I imagined you coming into your office and kissing me for starters. Sometimes, I would imagine you doing more things to me. Touching me, groping me, even taking my virginty.” I could tell her body wasn’t sure how to react. I could tell by her movements and her hardening nipples poking through her shirt she was becoming turned on. I could tell by her red face that she was extremely nervous to share these fantasies with me, understandably so. I could also tell in her voice there was still a sense of shame. I knew this was wrong, I knew this was all wrong, but for some reason, I couldn’t stop myself. I was in too deep. I wasn’t thinking with my brain anymore. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had a very attractive woman telling me how badly she wanted me. I had joined the church at 23 for several reasons. I assure you I didn’t always live a religious and pure life. It had been roughly 42 years since I had slept with someone, 42 years since I’d touched someone in that way, 42 years since I had been this hard. I allowed my hand to rub up and down her thigh before settling at the top of her thigh. She asked me nervously what I was doing. It was obvious this touch went from being one of encouragement to one of a sexual nature. I took a deep breath, realizing what I was about to do. I mumbled under my voice, “Please forgive me,” before kissing her. I was much taller and heavier than her, so when I leaned in it pushed her back. She tried to push me off of her. She tried to fight. I pulled her back up to a sitting position before dragging her onto my lap. As I felt her ass in my lap I could feel my cock get even harder. I knew that I wasn’t going to let her leave here until it was drained. I grabbed her by the neck, speaking to her softly as I choked her. “You’re ashamed of these thoughts, right? You want to stop having them, hmm? This is the only way to make them stop. You want to be pure again? Let me do this. Let’s do this.” She wiggled around in my lap in an attempt to get air and to get away from me. Though I was in my mid-60s, I still was strong and was still this tiny little girl. She knew deep inside she wouldn’t be able to get away. I tightened my grip around her throat before using my other hand to grope her tits. “These have grown so much since the last time I saw you. Tell me, are they real or did your sorry excuse for a fiance tell you to get them? You know, I never liked him. Pardon my language, but he was always an asshole. You always deserved better.” She was choking out little pleas at this point, begging me to stop, telling me this wasn’t what she wanted. She was a very nice girl in high school, but she wasn’t smart. She was dumb and naive. She was a fucking idiot if she thought that I didn’t know what her true intentions were. I heard from Partick and the other boys back when they were in school was that she was a tease.This was quickly also being proven. I moved the hand I had on her breast down to her skirt. I began to roughly pull it up. As I trailed my hands up her inner I groaned knowing exactly where I was going. Her cunt was hot and her panties were soaked. I forced her legs apart as she struggled. I moved her panties aside before running my big, long, rough fingers against her cunt. It was swollen, hairless, and dripping wet. I ripped my hand from under her skirt, shoving my fingers in her face. “You want me to stop? You want me to stop? These wet fingers tell me otherwise. Tell me, sweetheart, do you have another confession to make? Are you lying to me right now?” She shook her head no with fear. Now I see why she was at confession, she was a fucking liar. I threw her off my lap onto the ground. I stood up, towering over her young, smaller, fragile body as she trembled in fear. She looked delicious. I wanted to take her right then and there, but I had 42 years of pent-up sexual frustration and sadistic thoughts flooding out of me at once. I needed to take them all out on her. I couldn’t just fuck her immediately. I need to draw this out, make up for the last 42 years. I reached down and grabbed her by her prim and proper hair. I dragged her to the Baptismal pool, positioning her right above the water. I kneeled down behind her, pinning her between me and the pool. Even on my knees, I was still taller than her. I grabbed her under the chin, focusing her on her reflection in the water. I whispered in her ear asking if she could see our reflections in the water. When she shook her head yes, I smiled. “So, you also see this dirty lying whore and this holy man? Do you see what you’ve made me do? Your temptation and sinful thoughts have released something in me I haven’t felt since before your own mother was born.” I started to run my free hand over her body, groping and feeling different parts. “You did need this confession. You needed to confess to being a dirty slut, temptation and sinful-filled dirty slut. This is why you came to me, wasn’t it? You wanted me to fall into your temptation. You wanted me to fulfill your disgusting, depraved fantasies. I wonder how long you’ve thought about this. How long did it take for you to come up with this little plan of yours? Tell me, little girl, are you finally getting what you wanted? And don’t you fucking lie to me. Look at yourself. Look at our reflections and admit to me this is what you wanted.” I could see her tears hitting the water. Without thinking, I grinded against her ass. Something about this sweet, innocent girl who used to trust me now kneeling here crying in fear because of me made me feral. She shook her head no, lying to me yet again. I yelled, “Wrong answer, whore,” before shoving her face in the water. I kept her down for a few moments before pulling her up. She gasped for air. She was too out of breath to scream. I pushed her head under again, reveling in the fact the more she struggled the more she rubbed against me. I yanked her head back up once again, making her look at her reflection again. “You see what happens when you lie? You drown yourself in sin. You don’t want that, do you, doll? So admit it. Fucking admit THIS is why you’re here. You wanted to tempt me. You wanted me to fuck you.” I slip my hand under her skirt and panties again. I ripped her panties down her thighs, before feeling how much wetter she is now. What a disgusting little whore. Without warning, I shoved two fingers into her cunt. She gasped loudly, but she didn’t tell me no or to stop. All she did was cry, but luckily for her, her makeup was already ruined from being under the water. I fingered her slowly watching her facial expression in the water. “You’re enjoying this, look at you. These crocodile tears don’t faze me, sweetheart. I know the truth.” I shove her head under one more time, before standing up. I turned her around while still on her knees. I commanded her to look up at me, which she did immediately. “What a beautiful sight. You know, I never imagined all those times I saw you on your knees praying I’d see you on your knees about to take this holy, older cock down your throat.” Her eyes widened as she shook her head no. I shoved my wet fingers in her mouth. “You’re telling me no but these wet fingers tell another story. Why are you telling me no when THIS is what YOU wanted? We both know you’re not pure. You’re not a virgin. This isn’t your first time taking a cock down your throat. Hell, it was common knowledge the things Patrick made you do in the stairwell and behind the stage in the gym. Tell me, was he the one who made you do those things, or did you tempt him too? I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt because I truly always thought you were an innocent, good girl. When I would hear Patrick and his friends and all the other boys in school saying how you were such a tease, I never believed it. I assumed Patrick was spreading lies about you to keep you close. Maybe he wasn’t lying after all. Now, stop your crying and open your fucking mouth. I unzipped my pants, pulling out my rock-hard cock. Her eyes lit up like it was the biggest thing she’d ever seen. She opened her mouth slowly before taking me into her mouth. “Hey! Look at me. Look me in the eyes. Don’t stop looking up at me. And make sure you get this big cock all the way down that slutty throat of yours.” I shove my cock all the way down her throat. She gagged and sputtered around my cock, but she didn’t flail around. I knew she had an experienced throat. I pulled out a little. I wanted to see her work for it. She bobbed her head up and down my cock. I wrapped my hands in her now messy and wet hair for leverage. My groans echoed through the sanctuary. She began to pick up speed and take me deeper and deeper, but it wasn’t enough. I was hungry. I held her head firm before fucking her throat. Hearing her gags echo only added to the experience. I bottomed out in her throat and held it. She looked up at me with fear in her eyes. I spat in her face before grabbing her nose to cut off her air. I had no real reason to do this, other than I enjoyed seeing her cute little face disgusted and horrified. I pulled out of her mouth completely, mostly so I wouldn’t blow my load too fast. She coughed and coughed, trying to catch her breath. She managed to choke out a “please stop,” which earned her a slap to the face. She hit the floor hard. I straddled her back, grabbing her throat and choking her as hard as I could. “I’m tired of your lies, whore. I’m tired of you telling me no. This was your idea. These are the fantasies you rubbed your disgusting little cunt to every night.” I let go of her throat, letting her catch her breath. I got off of her before standing her up. I slapped her again, but this time she didn’t fall. I kissed her again, shoving my tongue in her mouth. My tongue explored her mouth for a few moments, before telling her to strip for me. I watched in amusement as her thoroughly water an drool soaked blouse hit the floor, followed by her skirt. Her bra was next to come off, followed by her panties that I had already partially pulled down. She already looked thoroughly used based on her face and hair, but I was nowhere near done with her. I sat her down on one of the pews, continuing to take in the view of her body. She attempted to close her legs and cover her tits with her hands. I rolled my eyes before moving her hands. I started biting and sucking her left nipple while twisting and pulling her right. She let out soft little moans as I played with her. As I switched tits, I came up with an idea. I began leaving little hickies and love bites on her tits. She tried to protest, telling me how upset Patrick would be and how she wouldn’t be able to explain how she got them, but I didn’t care. It wasn’t my problem, and I couldn’t stand him anyway. I stood back admiring my work for a few seconds before working my way down. I pried her still closed legs open before lowering down to my knees. Without hesitation I dived into her completely soaked cunt. She wrapped her hands in my hair, enjoying the way my tongue flicked her clit. I went between sucking, flicking, and biting her clit. She began grinding against my face eagerly and desperately. “What, does Patrick not eat your cunt like this or are you just so happy to finally be living your filthy fantasies?” She looked down at me with pleading eyes, silently begging for me to keep going. I slapped her clit twice before going back to sucking and licking it. Her moans grew louder and louder. Her desperation grew more and more obvious. “I want you to cum in my mouth, slut. Be the filthy fucking whore you are and cum in my mouth.” I began fingering her with two fingers again while sucking on her clit. It didn’t take long for her to start trembling and moaning at the top of her lungs. I stood up before putting her in the position I was going to take her in. I made her kneel on the floor, her arms on the seat of the pew. I slapped her ass a couple times, turning it bright red. I pulled my pants down just enough to completely free my cock. I got down behind her, rubbing my cock in her wetness and teasing her hole. “So darling, am I fulfilling your twisted little fantasies just how you always dreamed or is this even better than you ever imagined?” She didn’t say anything, she only let out pathetic little whimpers. “Oh dear, I thought you were finally going to be completely honest. I was being extremely patient with you. Why must you be so difficult? Being a lying, deceiving, temptation filled whore will get you damned to hell. I’m simply trying to save your ruined soul by trying to give you what you wanted, but I see it’s not enough. I was going easy on you, doing things I’m sure you rubbed that greedy cunt of yours to the thought of. Maybe it’s time I do something to show you how serious this situation is and how important it is to be honest.” I pinned her down to the pew with one hand, which caused her to start struggling immediately. “Too late, whore. This is what girls like you get. This is what they deserve.” I used my free hand to rub some of her drippings on my cock before lining it up with her asshole. I began slowly pressing myself in, which led her to start screaming. “No, Father! Please no! I’m a virgin there! Please Father, I’m sorry! I’m a liar! I wanted this to happen. I wanted you to use me. I wanted you to fix me. Help me to repent, Father, but please, please don’t!” Tears were steady streaming down her face. Her light crying turned to desperate, pleading sobs, but I didn’t care. I knew what she needed. My mind was completely made up. I shoved my cock all the way into her ass, causing her to scream through her sobs. I didn’t hold back, fucking her roughly and deeply from the beginning. “You see Eliana, this is what happens to evil little girls that try to be like Jezebel. Just like Jezebel you get to feel intense pain, pain you fucking desevere. Sure, I’m not going to throw you to the dogs like she was, but who knows what’ll happen to you if you keep living like this. You strolled in here looking like such a sweet, modest, innocent girl. You looked like a good girl that follows God, but it was all a front. You needed to see me. Not just to fulfill these disgusting desires, but to teach you a lesson. Lucky for you honey, I like you. I care enough about you to show you what could happen to very, very bad girls. I knew you weren’t the smartest girl in your class, but I believed in you. I had a soft spot for you. I knew you had been through a lot. I’m not shocked you’re this filled with sin, but I’m going to help you now.” I fucked her harder and deeper. I knew I was ruining the poor girl’s asshole, but she had brought this situation upon herself. I had no remorse. I didn’t feel bad in the slightest. She was getting what she wanted as far as I was concerned. Truly, I wouldn’t be surprised if she imagined me raping her little virgin asshole too. I picked up my pace even more, growing closer and closer to cumming. I held her by her hips, trying to get as deep as I could. She wasn’t fighting anymore. She laid there silently crying to herself. I told her she needed to start praying, to start asking for forgiveness, start repenting. I also told her she needed to pray for my forgiveness for making me break my vow of celibacy because of her. Just to teach her this crucial, life saving lesson. I could feel myself right on the edge, seconds away from cumming. I buried myself as deep as I possibly could. I groaned as I filled her ass, reminding her this was all her fault. I slowly pulled out of her, examining the load I left in her now ruined hole. “You should be thanking me. I took those fantasies away from you. I filled you with something holy again, something that will drown out all the sins in you. I didn’t have to do this, but again, Eliana, I like you. I don’t want you being damned to Hell for eternity. I think that you need to come to me every day until your wedding. You can continue to confess your sins daily. I can find ways for you to curb those horrible thoughts. I can save you. As a matter of fact, I want to officiate you and Patrick’s wedding. I want you here hours before the wedding so I can make sure you’re completely saved and healed from those thoughts. I don’t want you carrying these wicked and unholy thoughts into your marriage, even if I don’t like him. Now, you need to clean yourself up,” I say as I grabbed her panties from off the floor. I used them as a rag to clean off my cock before tossing them back in her direction. I pulled my pants up, readjusting my clothes. I check my clock before smirking, “You should hurry up. The Brothers are going to start filing back in from work soon. You wouldn’t want them to see what happened to you, would you? You wouldn’t want them to see what happens to a whore like you in real life. It’d be a shame if all of them had to use you too to teach you a lesson. Plus, I’m sure your fiance is waiting for you at home. Feel free to use the water in the pool to clean yourself off. Same time tomorrow, my darling Eliana, if you want to be saved like you claim you want to be.” I gave her one last look before walking back to my office. I slumped down in my chair out of breath. I began to pray and repent for what I had just done. I was interrupted by a knock on the door. When I looked up, it was Eliana, now all dressed, but still messy. Her shirt was still wet and her hair and makeup were still ruined, of course. She hurried into my office, kneeled down in front of me, and bowed. “Thank you, Father. Thank you for caring enough about me to help me.” She looked up at me before kissing my hand and standing up. I pulled her down to me to kiss her, again allowing my tongue to explore her mouth. “As long as you have some part of me in you, my fingers, tongue, cock, cum, spit, you’ll be closer and closer to being saved. Now, hurry along, my child, I’ll see you tomorrow,” I say slapping her ass. I watched her walk out of my office knowing this was only just the beginning of saving her poor soul.

The End of Prom Night

I slipped out of my towel and into the steamy, hot shower. My favorite song played in the background as I tried to focus on my shower. My head was spinning from what I had done. I had been hoping day after day for the last couple of month for this night. My heart still pounded in my chest. Our combined juices still made the inside of my thighs slick. I closed my eyes and let the water pour over me. I took a deep breath, proceeding to replay everything in my head from the beginning to where I am now.

 Since the beginning of senior year, Mr. Smith had been my favorite teacher. Fourth-period English was always the highlight of the day. Ever since I turned 18; however, it’s been different. I don’t just enjoy the class; I enjoy him. I can’t tell you exactly how it started, but we began flirting with one another. Flirting led to kissing. Kissing led to groping and feeling. Groping and feeling led to after school blowjobs under his desk. We never went all the way though, until tonight. 

In the few months leading up to prom, I knew I wasn’t going to have a date. I also knew that that wasn’t changing by the time prom rolled around. Every teenager has this idea in their head about how prom is supposed to be. You’re supposed to get asked to prom by your crush or if you’re lucky enough, your boyfriend or girlfriend. You’re supposed to be having fun with friends. You’re supposed to look your best. You’re supposed to lose your virginity. Well, my boyfriend and I had broken up our junior year. My crush? Well, my crush is Mr. Smith, and since he was married and my teacher, he obviously couldn’t take me to prom. I also didn’t have a lot of friends. Stupid high school drama ruined that for me, which was one of the reasons I spent so much time with Mr. Smith. I was still a virgin too, which Mr. Smith knew. The idea of taking my virginity always made him rock hard. 

When I told him I didn’t have a date, he was visibly pleased. He grew a bit possessive over me, which I liked. I liked feeling like I belonged to him. Though he couldn’t formally take me to prom, he’d be chaperoning it, meaning he’d be able to see me there and even see me afterward too. As prom got closer, I sent him pictures of my dress. He would text me telling me how he couldn’t wait to see me in it and most importantly, see me out of it. My virgin cunt would throb every time I’d think about going that far with him. I felt in my heart we wouldn’t go that far, but I couldn’t help but fantasize about it every night. Thinking of his big, thick cock stretching me out for the first time was enough to put me over the edge. Whenever he’d slip one of his fingers in me after school while I sat on his desk, I’d just think about how amazing his cock would feel. I’d soak his hand and his desk in seconds. 

I sent him pictures as I slowly got dressed for prom. Pictures of my hair, nails, makeup, and dress all received heart eyes and compliments from him. I grabbed an overnight bag and proceeded to pack it in between getting ready. I had told my parents I was hanging out with the friends they still believed I had after prom. They thought we were going down to a friend’s beach house, but in reality, I was spending the rest of the night with Mr. Smith. I had no clue what he told his wife, not that I cared. I only cared about spending the night with him. A change of clothes, a pair of panties, a bra, and slippers went into the bag. Some makeup remover, lotion, perfume, and lip gloss went in next. I threw a few more things in before zipping it up. As I looked at the time on my phone, saw a text from Mr. Smith saying he had just arrived at the school. My heart began to beat fast. I had no interest in prom, just what came after it. 

I arrived a few minutes after 7 o’clock. I threw the overnight bag in my locker before entering the gymnasium. When I walked in, a few people were already taking pictures. The prom didn’t officially start until a half hour later. Mr. Smith flashed me a smile from across the room between sips of punch and talking to other faculty. He immediately felt my presence when I walked into the room. As the gym began to fill up more, he made his way over to me. He gave me a devious smile before telling me how pretty I looked. I wasn’t a long dress type of girl since I’m pretty short. I’m also not a big high heel wearer. My dress came just above the knee. The skirt was black, but the top was white. It was very tight fitting. It hugged the curves Mr. Smith seemed to love perfectly. It also made my ass look even bigger than it already was. For shoes, I wore strappy silver high heel sandals that weren’t too high, but high enough to make a difference. My fingernails were pink, my toenails white. My makeup was smokey and glittery. It matched the colors of my dress and sandals perfectly. He loved it. 

Prom dragged on. Every so often we’d catch a glimpse of each other and see the annoyed look on our faces. Occasionally, we’d meet at the punch bowl or snack table just so we could be next to each other. As the dance winded down, he sent me a text. He asked if I had brought my bag with me and if I had, to put it in the car and wait for him. I did as I was told. I went to my locker, pulled the bag out, then proceeded to his car. I threw the bag in the trunk then sat in the passenger side seat. Though it only took about ten minutes for him to come out, it felt like ages. My heart began to beat fast with each step he took toward the car. I felt my clit begin to throb and my panties begin to soak over the thoughts in my head. Scenario after scenario began to play in my mind. I had no clue what was going to happen from here, but I was ready for it all. He opened the driver’s side door then got in. He looked around in the dark parking lot for any faculty or students before kissing my lips. 

“You look so damn beautiful,” he smiled between kisses and groping my thighs and chest. “I’ve been staring at you all night. I’m surprised no one noticed this in my pants,” he said as he placed my hand on his bulge. I rubbed and squeezed it, which led to him moaning and groaning. I bit my lip squeezing more before he stopped me. He told me to buckle my seatbelt before buckling his and putting the car in drive. He said we needed to get going before he couldn’t handle it anymore. 

We drove about an hour away from town. He knew that the kids from our school would be in various places throughout the city and didn’t want to risk being caught. During the drive, we spoke about different things. The topics of movies, music, and even him losing his virginity came up. 

“You know, I was your age when I lost my virginity,” he said casually as he drove down the highway. “It was on prom night, except it wasn’t in a motel or hotel or anything. It was in the backseat of my first car.” He smiled fondly at the memory before glancing over at me. “You know, if you want it to happen tonight, it can,” he said nervously, unsure of how I’d respond. I couldn’t even work up the nerve to say anything. I just nodded and smiled. 

We arrived at a hotel outside the city. It was just far enough that we had little to no chance of being caught. He went into the hotel to request a room. Coming back a few minutes later, he helped me out of the car before going to the trunk and getting out our bags. As we walked across the lobby, we received a few dirty looks and appalled stares. It was obvious he was a lot older than me, but that was my favorite thing about it. If only they knew he was my teacher, they’d be even more horrified, I laughed to myself. We walked into the elevator, the doors closing behind us. He looked over at me and smiled. He grabbed me by the waist before kissing me again. The kiss quickly became intense. He pushed me against the back wall of the elevator. His hands explored my body as his tongue explored my mouth. We were so lost in each other; we almost didn’t hear the elevator door open. He motioned to me to walk out first. He gave my ass a nice, hard slap as I walked in front of him, which caused me to jump. We giggled at my reaction as we walked to our room. He unlocked the door, then held it open for me. Instead of a slap, he groped my ass. He took a handful then squeezed, moaning softly as he did it. He sat the bags down on the floor before locking the door behind us. 

“Damn, you look wonderful,” he whispered as he pulled me into him. He placed a kiss on my forehead before he looked me in the eyes. “Are you sure you want to do this? Once we do this there’s no going back. Are you really sure? When I shook my head yes, it was all the consent he needed. We picked up where we left off in the elevator, though this time clothes began to come off. His jacket and tie hit the floor first. Then my shoes came off. I helped unbutton his shirt as we made out. He sat me on the side of the bed, leaning over me. He ran his hands up my thighs, hiking my dress up. “I want to fuck you in your dress,” he smirked as he got down on his knees, looking up at me. I bit my lip and nodded to show my approval. I lifted up a bit as he pulled my soaked black panties down to the floor. He opened my legs, revealing my freshly shaved sopping wet pussy. He groaned at the sight of it before pulling me closer to the edge of the bed. When I was right where he wanted me, he dove in. His tongue darted from my swollen clit to my soaking wet hole. Sucking, licking, biting. My fingers went through his hair as he ate me. His beard tickled me. I tried my hardest to grind against his face, which caused him to laugh at my desperation.

“Daddy, please I need more,” I begged between moans. Calling him Daddy always made him go wild. He told me to move back on the bed before he climbed between my legs. He laid down in between them, hooking his arms around my legs. He wanted to make sure I didn’t move around. He dove back into me, licking and sucking me even more intensely than before. My orgasm started to build up more and more. “Does my Princess want to cum for me,” he smirked as he went between rubbing my clit and fingering me. All I could get out was desperate moans and nodding my head yes. “No Princess, tell Daddy what you want,” he demanded. He was fingering me roughly while sucking and nibbling my clit. “Please Daddy, please may I cum for you,” I pleaded. He gave one last long, slow lick to my clit before allowing me to cum. I threw my head back as my orgasm washed over me. I clenched around his fingers as I moaned louder and louder. “Good girl, that’s my good girl,” he whispered as I began to calm down. He stuck his two fingers in his mouth, telling me how sweet my creamy pussy tasted. 

He undid his pants, letting them fall to the floor. As he stepped out of them, all I could look at was the big bulge in his boxers. “This is all for you,” he groaned as he rubbed himself. “Go ahead, look at what you did,” he said as he stood right next to me. I pulled his boxers down, freeing the rock-hard cock had been enjoying in my mouth for the last couple of months. “You know what to do Princess,” he said looking down at me. I took his cock in my mouth, sucking and licking it desperately. I licked the precum off the tip of his cock slowly, which drove him insane. He pulled me off the bed. He put me on my knees on the floor before putting his hands on the back of my head. He fucked my throat with obvious neediness. I drooled all over my dress. My lipstick was smeared everywhere. I gagged and coughed all over his big cock. When he pulled out of my mouth, a line of spit trailed from my lips to his cock. He looked down at me, smiling at the mess he turned me into. My lipstick was everywhere. My eye makeup was ruined from the tears I had in my eyes from gagging. He helped me off the floor and put me back on the bed. He asked me one more time before positioning himself between my legs again. 

“I didn’t bring condoms,” he said nonchalantly as he played with my pussy. “If I’m being honest, Sweetheart, I’ve been imagining you with a baby bump these last few weeks, my baby bump to be exact,” he jerked himself slowly. “How about for your first time I breed you, hm? I put my baby in you? Let everyone know who you belong to?” My brain was spinning. I could hear everything he was saying, but I couldn’t truly comprehend it. There were so many emotions going through me. I was so excited and turned on.“How about we start and then we’ll see if you want me to breed you, yeah?” With that question, he slowly started to push into me. It felt like he was splitting me open. Our moans and groans filled the room. When he finally pushed himself completely into me, he kissed me. He took a moment, allowing me to feel just how full I was with him in me. He started rocking his hips back and forth slowly making sure I was okay. He slowly picked up speed until he was full-on fucking me. Moans and curses left our lips between kisses. He groped my tits through my drool-covered dress. As our orgasms approached, he asked me again. 

“Do you want me to breed you, Princess? Do you really want me to make you a mommy? I read in that essay a few months ago about how you can’t wait to be a mom. How about we fulfill that dream right now?  All you have to do is tell me to do it.” He kissed and bit my neck as he waited for a response. “What’s it going to be? I’m going to explode any second,” he said between neck kisses. “Cum in me, Daddy,” I whispered shyly. “Hmm, what was that? I didn’t quite hear you,” his thrusts began to get more sloppy. “Tell me what you want. Say it out loud for me, baby. Daddy’s about to cum.” I felt my orgasm approaching. I knew I was going to cum, and I knew I wanted to cum with him. I also knew how badly I wanted his cum in me. “Please cum in me, Daddy. Put your baby in me. Get me pregnant. Breed me!” Our orgasms came at the exact same time. I shook underneath him as I came on his cock. I could feel his cum shooting deep into me. He lazily fucked his cum into me before collapsing on top of me. He kissed me before we both drifted off to sleep. 

During the night, we woke up wanting more. He fucked me twice in the middle of the night, one more time before I got in the shower. Each time he left a load in my pussy. I couldn’t believe how quickly things between us had changed in just a few months. I was happy things did change, though. He was obviously happy too. As I currently stand in the shower replaying the couple of months, especially the last 24 hours in my head, I can definitely imagine myself with a baby bump, showing it off proudly to everyone. Showing off the fact that my teacher took my virginity on prom night.

Passing Grades

“Please it won’t take that long! I promise.”, my brother begged my sister and I. He was flunking in two of his classes, and he was mortified of mom and dad finding out. His teachers allowed him a meeting after school to talk about some extra credit opportunities. He begged us to come with him, saying he didn’t want to walk home alone. After an immense amount of annoying begging from him, we agreed. My sister didn’t go to our school anymore. She was a first-year college student that had graduated the summer prior. She promised to pick us up after school since it was on her way home. I was a senior, who got straight A’s, just like my sister did. Our brother, who was a junior, was the opposite. He skated by with Cs and Ds, but this was the first time a teacher threatened to flunk him, let alone two. We weren’t sure why we couldn’t just wait in the car, but we eventually gave in to him and made our way to the classroom. It was a Friday, so the halls were already deserted. When we walked in, his science teacher, Mr. Blake, was sat on top of his desk. I had him my junior year, and he was easily my favorite teacher last year. My sister and I sat in random desks, while we waited for the other teacher to walk in. After a few minutes, Mr. Seymour, the English teacher, came in. They laid into my brother, telling him he wasn’t a great student at all. They wondered why he even cared enough to get extra credit. After enough scolding, the two teachers stopped. They walked out of the room to talk about if they were going to give him extra credit, and what would it be if they did. After about five minutes, they came back in. Mr. Blake spoke first, telling him they had decided to give him a chance. Mr. Seymour chimed in, telling him it wouldn’t be easy, but they wouldn’t expect anything less. My brother was willing to do anything and agreed to whatever he had to do. There was silence in the room, then Mr. Blake spoke again. “We want them”, he said, pointing at us. We were confused, and scared, wanting more clarification on what he meant. “Huh?”, was the only thing my brother managed to get out. Mr. Seymour spoke again. “We want your sisters. Specifically, we want to breed your sisters.” The three of us were fear-stricken. Mr. Blake told my brother this was the only way he’d pass. They had to fuck us AND get us pregnant. We weren’t pregnant, no passing grade. Our brother turned around, pleading with us to do it. We thought he was insane. He knew our parents didn’t believe in premarital sex, birth control, anything like that. He knew we had just gotten off our periods and that we would probably get pregnant. He was quiet for a moment, weighing his options. If he failed not one, but two classes, our parents would hate him. If we got pregnant, our parents would hate us. “Okay, do it.”, he said, sure with his decision. “Good choice, Mr. Blake said, smiling at him, then us.” My sister and I started to beg, telling them we couldn’t do it. Our tears that were now flowing, meant nothing. The teachers got their stuff, then told us to follow them. The four of us packed into Mr. Seymour’s car, while our brother went home. We didn’t know where we were going, but we sat there crying silently. Mr. Blake and Mr. Seymour acted as if we weren’t in the car, talking about my sister and I. They talked about who was going to take who. They talked about children’s names. They talked about our bodies. We arrived at a motel, Mr. Blake went in to get the key. While he did that, Mr. Seymour instructed one of us to text our parents saying we were going to the beach for the weekend, to enjoy the last few warm days of the year. When Mr. Blake came back, we parked and headed to the room. There was two beds. My sister and I were to share a bed with one of the teachers. I was still in my little school uniform, a tight white shirt, a plaid shirt that stopped just above the knee, knee highs, and black Mary Janes. Mr. Seymour brought in a bag from his car, chucking it at my sister. “Put it on.”, was all he said. She went to the bathroom and changed, coming out in a school uniform. Perverted smiles grew across the two men’s faces. Their hard cocks were obviously pressing against their pants. They commanded us to our knees, our tears slowly starting again. Since Mr. Seymour had my sister, and Mr. Blake had me, they decided to breed their former student. They told us to free their cocks, then stroke them. They carried on talking about us like they weren’t there, continuing the conversation they started in the car. We were told to take their cocks in our mouths. I wasn’t sure if my sister was still a virgin, but I was. I couldn’t believe I was going to lose my virginity to my own teacher. I was disgusted and scared. They could tell we weren’t used to sucking cocks. They took liberty because of this, holding our heads still, while they fucked our throats. They moaned and groaned while we drooled and gagged. Our white shirts were now wet with our drool and spit. When they were ready to move on, they pushed the two beds together. When they were together, we were stood up, and thrown on the bed. Mr. Blake caressed my cheek, wiping away the tears rolling down my cheeks. He kissed me softly, moaning in ecstasy. Mr. Blake was an older man. He was closer to being an elder than middle-aged at this point. He was easily forty years older than me. He was married, with a few kids, all older than me too. I was barely eighteen. My sister was nineteen, Mr. Seymour was in his fifties. He had a wife and kids, too. They ran their old, rough hands over our bodies, telling each other how the other one felt. They ripped our shirts open at the same time, exposing our bras. They groped and grabbed our tits through our bras. They took turns feeling each of our tits, comparing them. Mr. Blake pulled my tits out of my bra, smiling at the sight. He told me he couldn’t wait till they were filled with mommy milk. He sucked on my nipples, Mr. Seymour watching for a few moments. Mr. Seymour followed in Mr. Blake’s footsteps, after getting his fill of watching us. When they were done toying with our tits, it was time for what they came here for. They pulled down both our panties, a wet spot was in both of them. “Oh, they’re excited for this breeding, look!”, Mr.Blake teased. “And to think they were crying like they didn’t want it! Their mother was a slut, they’re not any different.”, Mr. Seymour laughed. It wasn’t until then did I find out that Mr. Seymour and Mr. Blake fucked our mother the night she graduated. Apparently, their affairs carried on for years. It became a possibility that Mr. Seymour and Mr. Blake may actually be one of our fathers. They were the ones who preached no birth control, and all-natural sex to our mother. This was probably their goal all along. We didn’t really have much time to think about this, though. We had to focus on what was about to happen. They rubbed our cunts, occasionally, stopping to taste both of us. Mr. Seymour said there’s nothing like the taste of young pussies. They asked us when our last periods were, wanting to know just how much of a chance they had on us leaving this weekend pregnant. There was little chance of us not coming away pregnant, and they knew this. When they were ready, they told us to hold hands. I held my sister’s hand tight, both of us crying, waiting for what was about to happen. They shoved my sister’s panties in my mouth, shoving mine in hers. They pushed into us simultaneously, cursing and moaning. We cried and groaned through our gags. They talked about how tight we were, not attempting to hide just how perverted they were. They fucked us steadily through the pain, and then the pleasure. When we started to enjoy it, they removed the gags. They told us to make out with each other, which we did, reluctantly. I made out with my own sister, as we were fucked. We never let go of each other’s hands. Mr. Blake and Mr. Seymour broke up our kisses, for kisses of their own. Mr. Blake made out with me while he jackhammered my little cunt. Mr. Seymour and my sister shared passionate kisses while he fucked her good too. We came all over the cocks multiple times. When they were ready to cum, they made us beg them to fill our fertile, virgin cunts up. We did as we were told. At this point we were so into it, we didn’t care anymore. We wanted their babies. We begged and pleaded for their cum, and they didn’t disappoint. They filled our wombs up. This was the first of many breeding sessions that weekend. They fucked our asses. Made my sister and I eat each other out. We rode their cocks. It was a perfect sex-filled weekend. My sister and I had to drop out of school because their attempts were successful. My sister and I moved in together after our parents kicked us out. Our mom gave us the money for a new place, knowing this was technically her fault. Mr. Seymour and Mr. Blake gave us money too, for carrying their kids. My brother did end up passing, which made it worth it. My sister and I didn’t regret what we did at all, in fact, we carried on with them. My sister and I agreed that these wouldn’t be the only babies they put in us. All of this happening, just for a passing grade.


I watched as Doll’s face lit up, a big smile from ear to ear. We were pregnant again! Our fourth child was now on the way, and there weren’t enough words in the dictionary to describe our excitement. I hugged her tightly, kissing her forehead. I couldn’t believe how far the two of us had come. See, Doll was a lot younger than me. I was around 30 years older than her, but that didn’t stop me from wanting her. It obviously didn’t stop her from her wanting me, either. I must admit, though, if she was to find out just how we got to this very moment, I’m not sure how she would handle it. I knew we were expecting our fourth child, but if you asked Doll, she’d tell you that this was our third. She would tell you she had no clue who fathered her first child. Now, don’t think she’s some slut or something; who can’t keep track of all the men she’s been with. That is not the case. She didn’t know how she got pregnant. 

I knew Doll for a few years. She’s always been very kind and sweet, especially to me. We used to work alongside each other when she was eighteen. It didn’t take long for her to become the sunshine in this old man’s life. I was 50 when I met her, and like any perverted old man, I found her attractive. We became friends quickly, always hanging out and talking outside of work. She would tell me all things she went through with guys, whether they were her age or a little bit older. She would come to me for advice, especially when she couldn’t go to her parents for it. I became a father figure to her. I mean, I was old enough to be her father, after all. She would always tell me the disgusting and depraved things men would say to her. All these men lusted after her young body, and I couldn’t blame them one bit. I wasn’t different from them. I wanted her too, maybe more than they did. I saw her every day, and every single day I found myself thinking the same thoughts. I always wondered what her panties looked like or if she was even wearing any. I would wonder how tight her young pussy was, especially because she had only been with two people. I would wonder what her face would look like when I filled her pussy with my thick cum. All while thinking this constantly, I became the one person she trusted more than anything. She knew I could do her no wrong. She knew that she was safe with me. 

After a few months, I knew I couldn’t hold myself back any longer. I cherished the friendship I had with her, and I knew that I didn’t want to ruin her trust in me. I had to think of a way to get what I wanted without her hating me or seeing me in a different light. I contemplated for a week or two on how to go about this, but I did eventually figure it out. I asked her to come to my house for dinner one night. She had no reason to say no. We had hung out in public countless times, and I never tried anything. I never tried anything through texts, or at work, or anything. She came over that night, and we had dinner as planned. We laughed and talked, all while watching movies. I offered her a drink, though she was only eighteen, but she trusted me and was also a bit naive. She had one drink, then two. The third drink I had crushed sleeping pills in. She kept drinking, too. It didn’t take long for her to become tipsy and sleepy.

After she had fallen asleep on my couch, I took in the sight of her. She was sleeping so peacefully and innocently. She looked like an angel. Most people wouldn’t continue with their plan after seeing this sight, but I wasn’t most people. I was an old, depraved pervert, who wanted to corrupt this beautiful angel. I carried her up the stairs, dropping her on my bed lightly. She was wearing a sundress that had buttons down the front. I carefully unbuttoned the dress, making sure not to pop a button or anything. When it was fully unbuttoned, I began groping her huge tits through her black lace bra. Her nipples were standing at full attention as a pinched and rubbed them through her bra. Once I was satisfied, I moved on to her matching panties. I pulled them down slowly, wanting to savor every moment of this. I wasn’t sure if or when I’d ever do this again, so I wanted to remember everything. I couldn’t help but dive face-first into her bald pussy. I had dreamed about what she tasted like, but it was even better than I expected. I licked up and down slowly for a few seconds before my neediness got the best of me. I lapped hungrily at her pussy, moaning as I felt the wetness grow in my mouth. I pushed two fingers into her, which was met by a warm, wet hole squeezing around them. I moaned as I felt her little hole clench my two big fingers. I pulled my fingers out, sucking them clean, while I began unbuttoning my pants. I knew what I wanted to do, so I wasn’t wearing any underwear. I shoved myself completely into her, moaning as I did it. I had dreamed of sliding into her, but I never thought it would actually happen. I paced myself, not wanting to cum too fast. I gave her enough pills and alcohol to keep her asleep for the rest of the night. I groaned as I moved slowly in and out of her. I kept a hand on her tit, squeezing and tugging as I thrust. Without thinking, I began to move quicker. My orgasm was approaching, and I couldn’t hold off much longer. My thrusts became more desperate and greedy. I groaned as I flooded her womb with my seed. It was the biggest load I had shot in my life. I fucked my cum into her, wanting to get it as deep as possible. That night, I fucked her at least five times. When I was done, I pulled her panties back up and buttoned her dress. I tucked her in and went downstairs as if nothing happened. In the morning, I brought her breakfast. She was confused as to how she ended up in my bed, but I told her she had gotten drunk and fell asleep. I told her I let her sleep in my bed, and I slept on the couch. She smiled and shrugged and didn’t question anything else. I knew she was probably confused as to why she woke up feeling wet, being that I came in her every time I fucked her. She told me that she sometimes woke up soaking wet from wet dreams, so she probably just thought it was that. 

A couple of months after that night, she came to my house crying. She had been feeling off for a few weeks, but couldn’t figure out why. Something told her to take a pregnancy test, and it was positive. She was completely freaked out. She told me she had gone out with friends and on a few dates, but didn’t remember sleeping with anyone. I got up and hugged her and told her maybe someone slipped her something, and she wasn’t aware. She thought about it for a moment, then nodded. She didn’t begin to think that it was me who did it. I reassured her, telling her that everything was okay. She had said her parents were going to throw her out, so I offered to let her stay with me. I told her I would even help her take care of the baby. As our baby grew in her, I always told her how beautiful she looked. Being nice to her, caring for her, and making her feel welcomed were enough to get her to fall in love with me. Now, she’s my breeding toy, and I fully intend of knocking her up again after baby number four is born. It pays to have the girl trust you.

The Christmas Gift

One of my close dominant friends texted me a few weeks ago in distress. His dear sixty-five-year-old uncle was coming to America on short notice for business. Due to the fact it was nearly Christmas, it was impossible to get a hotel room in New York. Being that I lived right next to the city, I offered to let him stay at my place for the two weeks he would be visiting here. He ubered to my house after his flight, not wanting to be more of an inconvenience he already felt he was being. His uncle seemed to be a very sweet, kind older man. My friend said he and his wife had divorced a few years ago, and said he hadn’t been around a woman. He warned me of him being awkward or shy, but he seemed right at home with me. The first few days into this two-week trip was great until things got a bit weird. Being he was staying with me, I decided to cook for him or get him food, whichever he wanted. I went up to the room he was staying in and knocked. He immediately yelled for me to come in, and I did. When I opened the door, he was sitting in bed with his hard cock fully exposed. I could see on his phone he had age gap porn playing. It wasn’t blasting, but it was loud enough to hear it. He smiled at me, then asked what I needed. I didn’t freak out from the sight I was seeing, so I guess he figured everything was okay. I chose not to say anything and went ahead with asking him what he wanted to eat. He answered my question, then before I could leave, he grabbed his phone and started jacking off again. I walked out of the room a mixture of horny, confused, and disgusted. A strange sixty-five-year-old man had just exposed himself to me and didn’t care at all. In all honesty, my walking in might’ve made him harder. I wasn’t sure what to do, so I messaged my friend. He laughed at me and said not to pay attention to him. It had been a while since he had some, and he’s so old he doesn’t care who sees his cock at this point. In my mind, that made sense, so I didn’t think anything of it. The next day, I told him I was going to take a shower. I showered and everything then went into my room. The moment I dropped my towel, he walked into the room. I was startled, but he was unphased. He had to ask me a question and seemingly paid no attention to me being naked. When I answered the question, he walked out, as if nothing had happened. 

The day after that was his lone off day. I had offered to take him on a proper tour of New York, considering how beautiful and done up the city is at this time of the year. We went to all the landmarks and attractions. I didn’t time our train ride home correctly, and we ran right into the rush hour traffic. All the train cars were packed, so we had to stand. He stood behind me and used the handrail above me to steady himself. He was pressed right up against me, which didn’t surprise me. The train was full to capacity, and he was probably trying to give others as much room as possible. Since we were technically together, I could see why he would be closer to me. Every time the train turned or moved, I felt him against me. I could tell his cock was rock hard. At one stop, he took his hand from off the rail. I was sure his arm was probably tired from keeping in that position for the last few stops. When he dropped his hand though, he grazed against my left tit. I was sure I heard him moan slightly, but I was sure I was imagining it. When we got back to my house, he went upstairs immediately. He said he wanted to take a shower after all the walking and stuff we did. When I walked past the bathroom door, I could hear him moaning. 

That night, I went to bed early. I told him that going to the city always drained me, between the walking, people, and train rides. He said okay, and I left him sitting on the couch. Usually, I slept naked, but since he was here, I opted for wearing some short pajama shorts, and a tank top. When I got into bed, I thought about the last few days, and how he’d been acting. I thought about what if he wanted to fuck me. I thought about what I would do if he came on to me. I had never been with someone his age, and I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it. Honestly, I was a bit grossed out at the thought of a man old enough to be my grandfather making outwardly sexual advances towards me, but there was a small part of me that was kinda turned on at the thought of that happening. As tired as I was, my mind wouldn’t shut up, so I took some melatonin and drifted off to sleep. I remember having a wet dream. I hadn’t been fucked in a while, and these came pretty frequently. The only difference between this dream and the others was this one felt real. It felt too real. I suddenly woke up to my friend’s uncle kneeling beside me. I went to scream, but he covered my mouth with his hand. He told me to shut up and let it happen and that I wanted this to happen too. Even though he was sort of right, I was still horrified. I wasn’t 100% sure I did want this to happen. He kept his hand on my mouth, as his other hand roamed around my body. He groped and fondled my breasts through my shirt, moaning loudly. It was both disgusting and hot. He removed his hand from my mouth, telling me not to say a word. He told me the less noise I make the less painful and quicker it’d be. Out of fear, I complied. He ripped my tank top open, exposing my breasts to him. He smiled greedily then began to lick and suck my nipple. He bit it softly, causing me to wince. I could feel his hard cock poking my leg through his shorts. He went back to groping me while whispering about how much he loved my tits. He grabbed my phone and made me tell him the password and he squeezed my nipples. It didn’t take long for me to give. He continued to abuse my right nipple as he looked through my phone. He clicked something, then I heard it start ringing. He was calling someone on facetime. I was confused and scared, being I had no clue whose voice I was going to hear on the other end. When I heard the person pick up, my friend’s uncle told me to smile. 

“I’m impressed. I knew she was a whore, but I didn’t think you’d be using her this quickly into the trip,” I heard a familiar voice say. “I hope you don’t mind I offered you up to my sex loving uncle as a Christmas gift, Doll. I couldn’t think of a better whore for him to take advantage of than you.” 

It all became clear to me now. My friend had set me up. He just wanted his pervy, young woman loving uncle to fuck me for as a Christmas gift. 

“I just started, I wanted to show you just how I used my lovely gift,” the uncle said, as he caressed my cheek. He kissed my lips, in an attempt to make out with me. He forced his tongue in my mouth, as I tried to fight him. He grabbed my neck and squeezed hard, in an attempt to get me to stop moving. When that didn’t completely work, he straddled me and put his body weight on me. When I couldn’t move anymore, he tried sticking his tongue in my mouth again. I didn’t have any energy to fight back so I didn’t. I let my mouth fall open, allowing this old man to explore my mouth. I could hear my friend say, “Just let it happen, Doll. I know he’s a lot older than you, but you know what your purpose is. Let him use you.” 

After we made out for a few minutes, the uncle responded to his nephew. “I think she wants it. The slut kissed me back. She’s not as grossed out as she thinks she is.” he spat in my face, then slapped me hard. He used my ripped shirt to tie my wrists to the headboard. He began to work his way down now. He trailed his big rough hands down my stomach, stopping at the top of my shorts. He rubbed my cunt through my shorts, as he told his nephew about how he knows it’s nice and shaved for him. He ran his hand down my slit through my shorts, prolonging my eventual violation. I started to cry out of fear, in complete disbelief of what was happening. A smile crept across the uncle’s face, as he kept rubbing me. “Oh, don’t cry, sweetie. You’re in good hands.” He couldn’t have said it anymore sadistically if he tried. He ripped my shorts down, causing me to move around and cry. He was a lot stronger than I was, especially after I spent on my energy trying not to kiss him back. He took in the sight of my cunt, thinking of all the way he’ll violate it for the next week or so. He kneeled between my legs, using one hand to spread them. He made sure to get a close up of my cunt for his nephew to see. “The slut is crying, but she’s dripping wet. Isn’t that something?”, the uncle said, as he spread my cunt lips open. His nephew took in the sight for a moment, then said, “Maybe she’s crying ‘cause she’s excited. Why don’t you give her what she wants.”  He buried his face in my cunt, licking and lapping at my juices. He moaned as he ate me, savoring every moment of it. He sucked my sensitive clit, then tongue-fucked my little hole. He came up for air to tell me how tasty my 20-year-old cunt was. Hearing someone his age say it, made it feel so wrong. I felt so dirty and disgusting, yet I had never been so horny in my life. He buried himself in me again, this time with the intent of embarrassing me by making me cum. After a few minutes of his skillful, experienced tongue, working away on my cunt and ass, I started to moan. I could feel him smile against me before he looked up. “A slut has to ask to cum, I’m sure you know that.”, he rubbed my clit as he said it. “May I please cum?”, I asked shyly. I couldn’t believe I had just asked this old man if I could cum from him doing this to me. “Louder, I don’t think my nephew heard you.” “P-please may I cum. Please”, this time projecting my voice a little louder. He nodded his head in response, then got back to eating me. I came not too long after. He had given me an orgasm, and he wanted the favor returned. He stood up and walked to the side of the bed. He pulled down his shorts, letting out his hard cock. Like the whore I am, I opened my mouth. I used my eyes to beg and plead to let me suck him. He could tell I was a desperate whore, making sure to tell his nephew that. He stuck his cock in my mouth, letting me work him with my mouth and tongue until he was pleased. While I went to work, he and his nephew talked on facetime about anything. The camera wasn’t on me anymore. The conversation was so relaxed, you wouldn’t know I was sucking the man’s cock, desperately trying to milk him. After a while, he started to grunt and groan, pulling himself out my mouth. “So, my nephew told me you just got off your period?”, he asked, rubbing my stomach. I shook my head yes, unsure where he was going with this. “Hm, well I don’t use condoms, sweetie and I only cum inside.” It dawned on me what was happening. I started to get scared. Tears welled in my eyes. I began mumbling “no” over and over again, as he made his way down to my cunt. “My ex was a selfish bitch I always wanted kids, but she was too concerned with work to have any. I wanted a fine young baby-making machine to deposit my seed in. I’m gonna keep you tied to this bed and monitored these next few days so you can’t just run and get a Plan B or something. And I will be back randomly to make sure you didn’t do anything stupid. If you’re not pregnant next time, I’ll just have to force more of my semen into you and stay to make sure you’re pregnant. You’re my new breeding cunt, and you’re gonna fulfill your purpose, understand?” Instant, I burst into tears. Never in a million years did I think I’d be forced to carry some strange man’s child. He positioned himself between my legs and shoved his hard cock into me without warning. I cried the whole time he fucked me. Even though I cried, I came three times. Moaning and screaming in pleasure through my tears of fear, pain, and horror. He ended up cumming in me after twenty drawn-out minutes of him fucking me. He kept his promise, keeping me tied up to the point where a Plan B wouldn’t do anything. He fucked me constantly, making sure every load landed in my fertile cunt. 

When it was time for him to go home, I was sad. He had quickly turned me into his breeding bitch and I loved it. I was beginning to look forward to the hourly cum dumping. Before he left for the airport, he slapped me in the face, telling me that if I’m pregnant I better keep it. I knew if I didn’t, he would just come back and hurt me. He kissed me, sticking his tongue in my mouth as he gripped my freshly came in pussy one last time. He walked out the door after that. Six months later, I can’t hide my pregnant belly. Six months later I haven’t heard from him. My friend tells me that he doesn’t have an uncle, and doesn’t have the slightest clue what I’m talking about when I bring it up. I know I’m not crazy. I know what happened, happened. The fact he denies it and his uncle wants nothing to do with me now is the hottest thing that’s ever happened to me. Every time I look in the mirror, I’m reminded of what happened. Every time I lay in my bed, I have flashbacks to his first attempt at impregnating me. I should be angry. I should be upset. I should be beyond pissed off that I got stuck with some man’s baby. But I’m not angry, upset, or pissed. I’m quite thankful, actually. I’m thankful that I was lucky enough to be used like a true slut. Bred then ditched.

My Uncle’s Baby

Uncle Kevin sat in front of me awaiting my answer. I was confused, shocked, conflicted. I was in disbelief over the question he had just asked me. I was staying with him for the summer. I had been helping him out throughout the year since he and his wife divorced. Through working with him, I found out the reason behind the divorce. He wanted a baby and she didn’t. Through another conversation, I had told Uncle Kevin I wanted kids, and that I couldn’t wait to have them. A few days later, he invited me up here, to the middle of nowhere away from family and friends. The first few days seemed normal, but today, today was different. After a candlelit dinner, Uncle Kevin decided to reveal the real reason he wanted me up here. “You said you want kids. I want kids. You’re only twenty. I mean yes, I am older, but it’s fine. We can do this.” All I could do was stare at him and try to figure out if I was dreaming. My own uncle, my mom’s brother, was asking me to have his babies. In all honesty, I should’ve been disgusted, but I wasn’t. I was genuinely weighing my options. Did I really want to spend the rest of the summer sleeping with my uncle? He was right, I did want kids. I wasn’t in a relationship, and I didn’t have any interest in being in one. My goal in life was to have kids. Uncle Kevin was older, and if he waited any longer, he wouldn’t be able to enjoy raising them. My counterargument, he’s my blood relative. He had always been a huge part of my life. He was almost like a second dad to me. It was gross, but the grossness of it turned me on. I finally came to an answer. I sat on his lap, then kissed him. “Let’s do this.”, I whispered, then kissed him again. We went up to his room, he wasted no time undressing his niece. He shoved me to my knees, telling me to open my mouth. He shoved his huge cock down my throat, my sucking and gagging immediately earning me a moan. He fucked my throat eagerly, not wanting to hold back. He was close to the edge when he pulled out from my mouth. He told me to get on the bed and open my legs. He told me he always wanted to taste his dear, sweet niece. He dived into me, tongue first, the sounds of my moaning and heavy breathing egging him on. He kept his tongue in my cunt and on my clit until I came in his mouth. “Are you sure you want to do this? If we do this, there’s no going back. I will breed you. I won’t stop until you’re carrying my child.” All I did was smile and nod. He shoved his cock in me, stretching out my cunt. He couldn’t hold himself back, pounding into me desperately. I couldn’t believe my own uncle was attempting to fuck his baby into me. I never wanted something so much in my life. He filled my cunt up to the brim with cum, causing me to cum all over his cock. We couldn’t believe what we had just done, but we knew there was no going back. We were determined to be pregnant by the last day of the summer. We’d figure out something to tell our family when we got home, but for right now, putting a baby in me was the only thing we needed to focus on.

The Walk of Shame

The text read to be ready by 12. As I looked at the time, I realized I only had about 30 minutes to get ready. I showered quickly, putting on the outfit we had previously discussed. A tight white t-shirt, black bra. For bottoms, just a short pink skirt, no panties. Thigh high socks and heels. I pulled out both my “Slut” collar and medium sized anal plug, which he called ‘small size’, for me, from under my bed. I kept all my kink related items I brought to school underneath my bed, locked away, so my innocent roommate wouldn’t see them. I put on the sluttiest makeup I could find, making sure to put on the sluttiest red lipstick I owned. I left my roommate a note, telling her I’d be back later, then left. On the elevator, I got a few looks. The girls looked at me like I was some whore, which they weren’t wrong. The guys on the other hand, looked like they wanted to take me right then and there. I walked to the front of the campus and waited for him. I was a few minutes early, so I decided to post on my Twitter. The post simply said, “Can’t wait to be used.” I smiled at the quick responses I was receiving. All from a bunch of older men, wishing they were the ones with this opportunity. While looking at my phone, he pulled up. “Get in,” he said, startling me. I turned my phone off, and got in the car.

We didn’t talk. The only sound in the car was the music playing. We rode in silence for maybe 15 minutes, before he pulled into a parking lot. “We’re getting pizza,” he stated, turning the car off. We both got out, and walked into the place, immediately drawing attention to ourselves. I could imagine what was going through everyone’s head. He was thirty-eight years older than me. It was obvious. I looked like a cheap whore he just picked up. We got our food and sat down, the staring continued. We talked normally, asking about work, school, and family. The few people who could hear our conversation, realized we knew each other, and stopped paying attention. When we finished our meal, he handed me a vibrator. He was semi discrete about it, telling me to put it in under the table. It was one of the ones that was controlled by an app on your phone, so it wasn’t too big. I pushed it into me, letting out a slight moan. He smirked in response, testing it out. Increasing and decreasing the intensity quickly, he could tell by my facial expressions and my near moaning, it worked well. He told me to get up and throw away our garbage, him keeping the vibrator on. We sat closer to the back of the pizzeria, the garbage sat at the door. I could feel the wetness starting to make its way down my legs. The point of this vibrator wasn’t for my pleasure, it was for him to torture me. That’s what mattered to him. When I threw everything away, he made me come back to the table. He made me throw something else out, still teasing me with the vibrator. When I was done, we went back to the car. He grabbed my tits without saying a word. He grabbed and groped them, all while I sat there. He didn’t care if anyone saw. We were facing a fairly busy road, and if anyone looked over they would see. He put his hand under my shirt, grabbing and groping more. It was like he was hungry for my tits. He pulled my left tit out of my bra, yanking and pinching my nipple. I groaned in pain, earning myself a hard slap on my nipple and him telling me to shut the fuck up. He kept pulling and twisting, causing me to tear up. “Suck,” he said, letting go of my tit. He unzipped his pants, letting his hard cock free. I leaned over and took his cock into my mouth. He held my head in place, starting to fuck my throat. He started to fuck my throat faster, filling the car with the sounds of me gagging. He pushed my head down his cock, leaving it there for a few seconds. He held my nose, enjoying my struggle for air. After a few seconds, he let me up. I looked over at the road in front of us, making eye contact with a few of the drivers. They could see the spit dripping from my mouth, my messed up makeup, and me gasping for air. I was soaking wet with everything going on. He knew I loved being used like this, and he loved using me like this. He told me to fuck my throat with his cock, pulling me back down to his cock. I fucked my throat like he commanded, causing him to buck his hips deeper into my throat. I could feel myself close to puking, and he knew this. He held my head, using my head like a pocket pussy. I started crying and coughing, trying to keep my food down. With all this facial abuse, I could feel my wetness leaking out of me. He lifted up my skirt, examining my wetness for himself. He smacked my ass a few times, before grabbing my nose again. He let me struggle again, until he shot his load down my throat. I swallowed it eagerly. He told me to sit up and put my seatbelt on. He started the car and drove off.

We arrived at a motel about 45 minutes by driving from my campus. We parked the car, both of us walking into the office to get a room. The spit and tears had semi dried, and you could see I was still a mess. The clerk was a man. He took a good look at me, but didn’t question us. He handed him both keys, giving a bit of a smirk to us. He gave me my key, along with a bag. He told me I had five minutes to get ready. I went to the room, emptying the bag onto the bed. There was a collar that you could attach a leash to, a matching leash, a bigger plug than the one that was already in me, and nipple clamps. I stripped naked, just leaving the heels and knee socks. I put the collar and leash on. I put the clamps on, then switched the plug I was wearing for the new one. I sat in front of the door on my knees. He came in right after I got into position. I was instructed to never look him in the eye, especially in times like these. He ignored me as he walked into the room. He had a bag of his own that he emptied onto the bed. He got completely naked, hanging his clothes up. I heard him walk up right behind me. He grabbed my arm, pulling me to my feet. I stumbled a bit, but he didn’t care. He half pulled, half dragged me into the bathroom. He put me into the bathtub, which caused me to open my mouth. It was programmed into my brain to open my mouth if he put me in a bathtub. I knew what he wanted to do. He started pissing on me, making sure to purposefully miss my open mouth. After he covered me, he shoved his cock in my mouth, forcing me to drink whatever was left. He slapped me hard a few times, making sure to tell me how big of a whore I was. He spat on me a few times, then pulled me out the tub. He took me back into the main room, instructing me to stand in the middle of the room. He tied a blindfold around my eyes, walking over to the bed to pick up some things. He pulled on my clamps, causing a yelp. He slapped my face hard again, telling me to shut up and take it. For a few seconds, I didn’t feel him. It wasn’t until he slapped my ass with a paddle did I realize where he was. He alternated between hitting my thighs and ass with the paddle, changing how hard he hit each time. This was just a warm up. Next he hit me with a cane, again alternating between my ass and thighs. The more I moved when he struck me, the harder he’d hit. After a few hard hits, I got it through my head to stop moving. We struggled with this every time. I could feel the welts on my legs and ass burning. It was a feeling I also expected when seeing him. When he was bored with caning me, he pushed me to my knees, grabbing my leash. He led me to a chair, where he sat down. He told me to get on my knees, and to put my hands behind my back. When I did as I was told, he grabbed my throat. He choked me hard, slapping my face repeatedly. I couldn’t help but smile, loving every second of it. The more oxygen I lost, the hornier I got. I started to black out, which caused him to let go of my throat. He took my blindfold off, telling me to lean on the bed. He came behind me, shoving his cock into my cunt. I moaned as he stretched my tight, wet, needy cunt. He fucked me relentlessly, using me like a sex toy. I could barely stand, because of all the force he was putting into each thrust. I could barely keep my feet on the ground. Today, he felt nice, and let me cum. I came at least five times, begging and thanking him each time. He pulled out of me, grabbing a virbator. He shoved it into my dripping wet cunt, slowly increasing the speed of the vibrations, as he fucked me with it. I was a whimpering mess, that barely had the strength to beg to cum. He loved seeing me like this, completely cum drunk. A giggly, cumed out mess. I came with the vibrator. He called me a good whore, then pulled it out. He slid his cock into my ass, stretching it out. I started moaning as he used his favorite hole. Like my cunt, he didn’t hold back. He fucked me like the true anal whore I was. I even moaned louder when he was using my ass than my cunt. He filled my ass with his cum, causing me to let out a moan. He slapped my ass, pulling out of me. He plugged my ass, so his cum wouldn’t drip out. He went to shower, leaving me on the bed. When he was done, he told me to shower. When I walked into the bathroom, I looked in the mirror. I looked like a completely used fuckdoll. My makeup was completely ruined. More dried tears and spit covered my face. I examined the welts on my ass and thighs. I could see little bits of broken skin that caused a little bleeding. When I showered, the welts and marks burned. It was a feeling I grew accustomed to. I washed the fucked up makeup and spit off my face. When I was done, I looked in the mirror again. I looked like a normal girl again, and not a completely spent whore. When I came out of the bathroom, he was gone. He had gone to pick up dinner for us. When he got back, we ate. We talked about everything that happened. We talked about what we liked, what we wanted to improve. We watched TV, talking to each other for the rest of the night. When he wasn’t in dominant mode, he was a different person. He was kind and sweet. He was funny. We had a lot in common, and enjoyed each other’s company, after he made sure to remind me of my place.

Before bed, I gave him a blow job. Even though I was horny, I didn’t get anything in return. He liked overstimulating me, but didn’t want me to forget I was used for his pleasure and his pleasure alone. After I swallowed his cum. We fell asleep. I had class the next day. He knew this. He woke me up about two hours before my class. He fucked all three of my holes again, cumming in my cunt this time. I showered, putting my original ‘small’ plug back in. I put my ‘Slut’ collar in my bag. I had to put the clothes I came with back on, which was all people noticed when we left our room. We stopped off and got breakfast down the road from the motel. He woke up in dominant mode, treating me like he did the day before. On the way back to my university, he stopped on the side of the road. He told me to get out of the car, not saying anything else. It was pretty quiet on the road, occasionally a few cars passing by. He pissed all over my clothes. I didn’t think anything of this, because I was sure I’d have time to change. When he was done, he told me to suck his cock. After throat fucking me, he came all over my face. He told me to stay on my knees, as he got back in the car. He threw my bag out the car window and told me that I better start walking, and that he wasn’t going to let someone covered in piss sit in his car. He drove off without saying anything else. I grabbed my bag, and started walking quickly. I realized why he pissed all over me. He knew I wouldn’t have time to change my clothes and shower. He knew I would choose to clean the cum off my face, instead of changing. I was a half hour away from my school. Forty-five minutes away, if you counted where the building where my class was. The road stayed pretty quiet the whole walk back. When I got back to campus, I only had ten minutes to get to class. The elevator in the building I lived in took five minutes alone, so I couldn’t go change. I ran to the building my class was in, trying to hide my face as much as possible. My clothes were pretty much dry from walking. I wasn’t too worried about that anymore. The building I had to go to was on the border of being in the middle of campus. I’m sure some people saw my face, but I didn’t care. When I walked into the building, I had just enough time to wash my face in the public bathroom. The few girls who were also at the sink, gave judging looks, immediately identifying what the drying white substance all over my face was. I quickly washed my face, making sure I got every bit of dried cum off. Thankfully, it was only on my face. I sprayed myself with my body spray, in an attempt to cover up the smell of his piss. By the time I was done, it was time for class. I walked into class and took my test, finding it hard to focus. All I could think about the last 24 hours. The way I was used and discarded. The fact I had a walk of shame back to my campus covered in his piss and cum. The fact that I was sitting in class in piss soaked clothes. And most importantly, the fact that I was so horny, I wanted to finger myself right at the desk. It didn’t matter to me if I passed this test or not. I knew that eventually I would be his whore. I wouldn’t need any of this. I also knew that if I failed this test, I would be punished, and truthfully I wanted to know what would happen.

One for the Team

“Dad. You can’t be serious right now. You really think she’ll go for that?” I could hear my brother and father talking in the living room. I wasn’t really paying attention to their conversation until I heard my name mentioned. “Go for what?”, I ask, making my way into the room. Neither of them said anything. They both exchanged looks before dad shook his head no. They both told me it was nothing, even though the cat was already halfway out of the bag. Nevertheless, I decided to just let it go and not worry bout it. 

Nothing was out of the ordinary after this conversation took place. Dad and my brother were busy at practice every night. Dad was the head coach for a college football team. My brother was the star quarterback. The last game of the season was on Saturday, and a lot was riding on it. They needed to get into the playoffs. This was my brother’s final year, and this could make or break him getting drafted. My father’s coaching job also depended on this game too.

The night before the game, dad texted me, telling me to meet him at the field. This was rare. The only time I was invited to the field was when there was a game. When I got to the field, practice was just finishing up. I said my hellos to a few of the players and coaching staff, eventually making my way to dad. Dad told me to wait with my brother while he ‘sorted something out.’Time started to pass, and the field started to clear out more and more. When we were the only two left, dad came back with a man I’ve never met before. “This her? She’s cute. I like her already,” the man said. I could tell in my brother’s face something was wrong.” “Doll, this is Coach Maxwell. He’s the head coach for the team we’ll be playing tomorrow.” “Dad, we shouldn’t do this. She’s my sister, your daughter. It’s just a game,” my brother begged my dad. “I need this job. You need to get drafted. Just think of this as a team effort, son.”

I was in Coach Maxwell’s rental car, too scared to say anything. I couldn’t believe what my dad was making me do, even if this was arguably the most important game of their lives. He had his hand on my thigh the whole time, slowly inching his way up to my cunt. From the moment we walked into the hotel, I could feel the disgust grow in my stomach. In the elevator, he grabbed my ass, whispering in my ear about how excited he was to use a young cunt. He had been married for years, and he was bored of her. He never really got the chance to step out, being the team was his life. In the hotel room, I was ordered to strip before he finished closing the door. After an intense session of being groped and made to make out with him, he tied me to the bed. He slowly rubbed my cunt, making perverted remarks about how much he couldn’t wait to fuck it. Before he started fucking me, he grabbed his phone. He sent a text, then he started filming. He fucked my cunt raw, not caring about my protests. In the back of my mind, I tried to remember that I needed to do this. I needed to do this for my brother and father. Against my will, he came in me. I was hoping it was over, but it was just getting started. A few moments later, there was a knock at the door. He untied me but told me to keep laying down. When he answered the door, his whole team came in, players and coaches. I was sure this wasn’t what my dad agreed to, but I couldn’t’ back out. All of their cocks spent time in my mouth. I lost count of the number of loads I swallowed. They all manhandled me, especially the players. I was significantly smaller than them, so I spent the night getting pulled, pushed, and thrown around. I was getting dp’d while sucking and jacking off cocks. While the men waited for their turns, they either filmed what was happening or cheered on the men who were currently using me. Load after load was deposited into my cunt and ass. My face and tits were also well coated too. It looked like a scene out of a bukakke porn shoot, only difference was I wasn’t a porn star.

The team came through with their promise. They lost the game on purpose, meaning my father kept his job and my brother had a future. I, on the other hand, got pregnant that night. Dad said it was worth it, because of what it got them. My brother still felt horrible, but I assured him it was okay. If I had to do it again, I would. I wish my dad would’ve come up with this idea sooner, though. Who knows what I could’ve got them?