Family Summer Barbecue

Disclaimer: This is obviously all fantasy and all age play. If you don’t like age play don’t read this.

“Come on, kiddo, it’s time for our bath,” Dad shouted from the bathroom. I crawled out of bed still groggy from last night’s sleep. Usually Dad lets me sleep in a little bit on the weekend, but since today was a big day, he wanted to make sure I was ready. Dad was already in the bath, his adult parts already big and hard. I got into the bath and Dad sat me on his lap. He tickled me for a few seconds, causing me to move around in his lap. Dad made the funny sounds he usually always makes when I’m in his lap, but instead of the usual play time we would always have, he stuck to washing me. Dad said I’d have a lot of play time later when everyone arrived. After the bath, Dad dried me off, paying close attention to my little parts. He left a little kiss on it before telling me how much he can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve learned since the last time I’ve seen them. Dad was torn between putting me in my favorite princess dress or something that would keep me from getting too hot in the sun. He opted for a pair of shorts that were really tiny and a little t-shirt that I couldn’t read. He helped me put my frilly little socks on and my sneakers before telling me how sexy I looked. Dad told me to go play while he went and got dressed for the day. 

It wasn’t long before everyone started to arrive. Dad was having a barbecue to start the summer. He invited my uncles and my grandpa. I hadn’t seen them since Christmas. As they all trickled in, Dad told me to come downstairs. I was greeted with a bunch of hugs and kisses from everyone. They told me how much I had grown since they last saw me a few months prior. Grandpa carried me out to the backyard, putting me on his lap as he sat down. Grandpa bounced me on his lap as he talked to my uncles. Dad was in charge of cooking the food, so he left me with the rest of the family to be watched. Occasionally, Grandpa would let me sit in my other uncles’ laps, but I always ended up back with him. Grandpa said I was his favorite grandchild, especially since I was the only girl. “Grandpa, I need to go potty,” I said as I tried climbing off his lap. He smiled down at me before holding me in place. “No, sweetheart, you can’t go yet,” he pouted at me. He handed me the bottle he was drinking and told me to drink from it. He called me a good girl as I drank down whatever he gave me. Dad drank out of these bottles all the time, but he told me I was too young to have them. Dad always gave me his special apple juice or milk instead. He told me it’d help me grow big and strong. 

After what felt like forever, I brought it up to Grandpa that I had to potty again, this time really, really badly. Grandpa laughed at me before tickling me. I couldn’t help but giggle and laugh as he tickled me, but I soon stopped laughing when I realized what was happening. I felt a warm, wet spot growing in my shorts. “Oh no, looks like someone wasn’t able to hold it,” Grandpa said before standing up. I left a spot on his pants, but I noticed his adult part was big and hard under his pants, just like Dad’s always is. When Dad turned around and saw my wet shorts he was very disappointed in me. “Bad girl, very bad girl,” he said before walking over to me. “I don’t have time to help you change and you’re too small to do it alone.” He looked up at my uncles and my grandpa and smirked, before telling me to come to him. He yanked down my shorts revealing my bare parts. Dad never gave me panties. “If you’re going to dirty yourself, you aren’t going to get clothes. What do I always tell you?” When my eyes started to well up with tears, Dad kissed me and told me it was ok. Dad told me to go play because it was almost time for everyone to eat. 

Dad, Grandpa, and my uncles ate while I played. I wasn’t allowed to eat yet. Dad said I was going to be getting more than enough milk and apple juice to fill my little tummy, so I wouldn’t need to eat anything. It didn’t take long for Dad to finish his food. He sat at the end of the table, everyone facing him. He pulled me onto his lap, spreading my legs. All the men stared at us smiling, telling me how cute I looked. Uncle Rick told me he loved my shirt. I told him I didn’t know what it said, which made everyone laugh at me. After all the laughing subsided, Grandpa said,“Sweetheart, it says ‘Little Cumslut.’” “Daddy, what’s a cumslut?” Dad smirked before saying, “It’s little girls like you that love milkies. You love milkies don’t you, little one?” When I shook my head yes, everyone smiled at me. “Good, you’re going to be getting a tummy full of milkies today. Everyone’s gonna give you milkies, the only difference is, it won’t be from your bottle. It’ll be from everyone’s adult parts. Is that ok, sweetheart?” I nodded my head with glee, before Dad kissed my mouth. 

“I guess it’s time I tell you all while you’re truly here,” Dad said to everyone. “I didn’t care about having a barbecue to bring in the summer. I just needed a way to bring everyone here. I wanted to surprise you guys. Little one here can now take my adult part in her kiddie hole, and I wanted you all to experience it.” Everyone cheered and laughed, telling me how good I was. Dad told everyone to clear the table before sitting me up there. “Keep your legs open, kiddo. Let everyone see,” Dad said as he stroked my little parts. “See how nice and wet it gets? It’s still really tight, but you can maybe put it in without her screaming and crying too much. I was thinking I’d break in the other hole,” Dad said, talking to everyone. They all agreed in unison before Dad walked around the other side of the table. He told me to lay down as he grabbed some of my jump ropes. He tied the ropes to my wrists and ankles before tying them to the legs of the table. I couldn’t move at all. I watched as everyone got undressed, staring at all the big adult parts. “You’re gonna have to be a good girl for us. I’ll let you play in the kiddie pool when we’re done. You have to be quiet, though. We don’t want anyone taking Daddy away do we?” When I shook my head no, Dad smiled. He kissed my lips, normal at first, but he forced his tongue in my mouth. His tongue explored my little mouth as I felt multiple hands over my body. I heard everyone whispering amongst themselves as they smiled down at me. Grandpa brushed his fingers against my little holes before kneeling down. “Let’s get you cleaned up from earlier, shall we?” Grandpa started to lick my little parts, which felt weird at first, especially because of his beard. When I started to make the happy noises Daddy loves so much, he started to lick a little faster. “She tastes so sweet. Just like all the candy she eats,” Grandpa said. Dad moved away from my mouth so Uncle Rick could come closer. Uncle Rick kissed my mouth like Dad did, before grabbing his adult part. He rubbed it slowly before telling me to open my mouth. I opened it immediately, which led to uncle Rick sliding his part into my mouth. “You’re doing a great job raising her,” he said to Dad, as he continued to move his parts in and out of my mouth. Uncle Rick picked up his speed, pushing his part deeper into my throat. I started to cough and drool, which made me uncomfortable. As I started to move, Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie held me down. Uncle Rick moved faster, pushing his part even deeper. He started to make the funny sounds Dad does every time he does that to me. “Here comes your milk, baby,” Uncle Rick said, before groaning. He shoved his parts all the way down my throat before giving me his milk. His milk was also salty like Daddy’s. He kissed my forehead before sitting in the chair. His adult part was still hard as he began to rub it slowly. Grandpa still kept his tongue on my little parts, darting between my holes. Uncle Ronnie was next to use my mouth like Uncle Rick. It didn’t take long for Uncle Ronnie to give me his milk too. As Uncle Jack moved to my mouth, I could see Daddy getting my kiddie pool and putting it in the middle of the backyard. I watched as he put his apple juice in the pool. I was a little sad, because I like to drink it, but I do love playing in it too. While Uncle Jack was using my mouth, Grandpa stood up. He spread my little parts open, giving them a good look. He spit in his hand and grabbed his part, before rubbing it. Grandpa shoved his part into my little part, causing me to scream around Uncle Jack’s part. Everyone hushed me in unison, telling me to be quiet and to be a good girl. It hurt so much, more than when Dad did it for the first time. Grandpa moved his part in and out slowly, matching the pace Uncle Jack was using in my mouth. Uncle Ronnie and Uncle Rick went to my hands, rubbing their parts with my hands. Dad walked around taking pictures. He loved taking pictures so show his friends at work. When Uncle Jack gave me his milkies, Grandpa took his part out of my little parts before shoving it in my mouth. He gave me his milkies too, but his part tasted like my little parts. Each of the men took turns using my little part. It hurt so much, but I didn’t scream or cry because I wanted to be a good girl. Each of them would use my little part, but they still made sure to give me my milkies in my mouth. Afterall, Dad said I was still too little to have milkies in my little part. He said once I’m old enough he’ll give me milkies so I can have a real baby doll to play with. When all the men had a turn using my little hole, they all gathered around, looking at it. “Look how gaped it is now. It was so tiny before, but it’s open now,” Grandpa said. “It didn’t take us long to ruin that hole. Who knows if it’ll go back to how it was before,” Uncle Jack said, laughing. “I don’t think we can call it a little part anymore. I think it’s time we upgrade it to cunt,” Dad said, as he moved his fingers in and out of me. “I think it’s also time I get to break in the next hole. You guys get to watch, but I’m the only one using this today,” Dad said, as he grabbed a pillow from one of the patio chairs. He put the pillow underneath me, which raised me up a little. He told one of my uncles to get him some tape. Dad took a piece of tape and put it over my mouth, just like he did the night he used my little part for the first time. I was very scared because I remembered how much it hurt when Daddy used me for the first time. I didn’t know what he was doing now. He told all the men to make sure they held me down. He didn’t think the ropes were enough. He also told Grandpa to cover my mouth. Once everyone was in place, Dad rubbed his parts against my sore little part. My part was really wet, but he still spit on his hand, rubbing his part like Grandpa did. I figured Dad was going to put his part in my little part again, but to my surprise, he went lower. He placed his part right at the opening of my other little hole. I started to move around more and more as he pushed, but everyone held me down. Dad slid in slowly, but I was already crying, trying to scream. “Fuck it’s tight,” Dad told everyone as he pushed deeper. I was full on sobbing at this time. Grandpa wiped my tears with the hand he wasn’t using to muffle me. Dad moved in and out of me slowly, telling everyone it was hard to hold back. Uncle Ronnie told him to go faster, Uncle Jack agreed. Uncle Ricky grabbed his phone and started to record. Dad picked up his pace, moving in and out faster and faster. Grandpa leaned down in my ear and told me I was okay. He told me he was going to take me out for ice cream and to buy a new doll. He told me he’d even take me to Disneyland for being such a brave girl. Dad moved in and out of me a few more times before making those funny noises. He put his milk in my other little hole. He smiled at everyone before pulling all the way out. They all ran to look at my hole, now driping milk. It was swollen and sore. It hurt to even breathe. Dad came up to my mouth, removing the tape. “Such a brave girl. You’re the bravest little girl in the world,” Dad kissed me before putting his part in my mouth. “Lick it and suck it clean like a lollipop. That’s my good girl,” he said as I licked his part. “She’s so obedient, just like her mother was for me”, Grandpa said. Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie helped untie me. Uncle Jack carried me to the kiddie pool, sitting me in it. “Are you ready for your apple juice?” I nodded my head as all the men gathered around. They all gave me their apple juice at the same time, spraying it on my face, body, hair, and mouth. Daddy promised that the next time they were ready to give me apple juice it’d go in my tummy, but they wanted me to splash around for them first. The rest of the afternoon was spent with me splashing around in the apple juice while the men talked. Occasionally, one of the men would give me apple juice or milkies or use my little hole again. Dad told everyone they could stay the night, so I knew that the fun was just getting started.

A Wet Weekend

It had been over a year since I saw my best friend from college. After I transferred, our schedules became too conflicting and busy to meet up. When summer rolled around, we both finally found our schedules free. We didn’t waste any time in meeting up. She invited me to stay at her apartment for the weekend, and I accepted without a second thought. On Friday night, we decided to go out partying like old times. The night was filled with drinking and dancing. When we got tired, we decided to try and get an Uber home. Between the high prices and the lack of Ubers, we decided to take a chance on the train. We got to the train station, then onto the train. We had a half hour ride to deal with, on top of a 15 minute walk. About 10 minutes into the train ride, I took notice of the fact my bladder was at full capacity. I sat there crossing my legs, trying not to think about it. I kept up a conversation with my friend to try and ignore my urge to piss. The train rocked and moved, putting extra strain on my bladder. My discomfort was written all over my face, causing my friend to be concerned. Embarrassingly, I admitted my issue, causing her to laugh. She assured me I could make it home before having an accident. When we finally got to our stop, I told her I couldn’t wait. We looked for a bathroom, but the door was locked. With a sigh, we started our walk home. Two minutes in, I knew I wasn’t going to make it. My bladder was hurting too much to walk. When I told my friend I couldn’t keep going, she took a quick glance at the empty street. “You could just piss right here.”, she said giggling. I looked around too, making sure no one was around. I started to fidget with the button, but I couldn’t get my jeans down. Moments later, the dam that was my bladder broke. I flooded my jeans, the sound of my piss dripping on the sidewalk was the only sound you could hear. I hid my face in shame and embarrassment. My friend assured me it was ok, then smiled. She started pissing herself too. I watched as her jeans went from light to dark blue in seconds. We walked home hand in hand, giggling and laughing about what just did. When we got home, we stripped ourselves of our wet clothes. We decided to shower together, neither of wanting the other one to continue to smell of piss or be wet. I examined my friend’s naked, wet body. Even though I had lived with her, we never saw each other naked. She was gorgeous. She asked me to wash her back, which didn’t cause any protest from me. I ran the washcloth over her back slowly. The soapy water ran down her back, then rolled onto her beautiful plump ass. She returned the favor, by washing my back too. She rested her hand on my ass, resulting in me smirking. She turned me around to face her, then smiled. We both leaned in and kissed each other, letting the water hit us. We washed each other, making sure to take time on each other’s tits, cunts, and asses. When we were clean, we dried each other off. We ran to her bed to continue what we started. We continued to make out, feeling on each other’s bodies. I told her to lay on her stomach, and spread her holes. Her cunt was tight and wet. Her asshole was cute and tiny. I dived in face first, licking her yummy cunt. She moaned as I dug my tongue deeper. I took time on her little asshole too, licking tenderly at the puckered hole. I fingered her to the point of her cumming on my fingers. When I pulled them out, I shoved them in her mouth, before letting her taste herself on my lips. She got on top of me, eating and fingering both my little holes. I tasted myself on her lips, begging for more. She reached under the bed, and pulled out a little shoe box. Dildos, wands, plugs, anal beads and other sex toys called that box their home. We took the wand first. I laid down, then she rested the wand on my clit. She laid on top of me, her clit also against the wand. We made out as she played with the speeds, both of us cuming in no time. We weren’t done yet, though. A thick, long dildo was the next thing on the agenda. Since I was her guest, I got to use it first. She pushed the dildo into me, fucking me steadily. She kept the wand on my clit, resulting in me moaning at the top of my lungs. Between moans she confessed to me how hot it was watching me piss myself on the open street. In return, I told her I felt the same way when she pissed herself too. She made me cum a few times, before it was her turn to get fucked. We licked my juices from the dildo, before I put it in her. I fucked her good, telling her how sexy I thought she was, and how I regretted not doing this before. She ended up squirting in my mouth. I told her I wanted to play with her ass, which was met with her rolling onto her stomach and spreading her ass cheeks. I took a medium sized plug out of the box. I spit on it to lube it, then began to push it in her. She moaned as her plug stretched her ass. I fucked her slowly with her plug, the sounds of her moans only egging me on. When she had cum again, I pulled the plug out. I licked and sucked her plug, savoring the taste of her yummy ass. She used her beads on me, her taking amusement in how my tiny hole swallowed each bead. When she pulled it out, she started licking the beads without hesitation. She took the plug I had just used on her and fucked me too. When I came she stuck the plug in my mouth. For the rest of the night we played with each other’s cunts and asses. On Saturday, we went out, wetting ourselves just after sundown on a semi busy street. Later that night, we decided to try pissing on each other. Sunday, we pissed on each other as we ate each other’s cunts. By the time the weekend was over, we had came and pissed on each other countless times. Before I got to the train station, we both had already cleared our schedules for all of next week. I was coming to visit again, and we were going to have a sex and pissed filled week. I offered to bring my own toys the next time too. Before my train arrived, we ran into the bathroom, pissing in each other’s mouths, then fingering each other’s asses. We sucked on our fingers, having one last taste to hold us over to next week. As I got on the train, I kissed her then waved. I had already began counting down the minutes till our next wet weekend.

A Visit from Dad

I was sixteen when mom and dad divorced. It had been two years since I had seen him, so you could imagine my surprise when I came home to his car in our driveway. Mom hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. She hadn’t mentioned him, so I wasn’t sure why he was here. I walked into the quiet house, yelling to mom first. “Mom, I see dad’s car in the driveway. Is he here?” My question was greeted with silence, which was strange. Maybe they went somewhere or something? I walked up the stairs walking past my mom’s room. I could faint noises coming from the room, noises that sounded like she was struggling. As I started to open her door, the door flung open. I was pulled in, then thrown to the floor. I heard the door slam and lock behind me. I hit the floor so hard I didn’t know what was happening. I could hear my mother struggling more. It sounded like she was gagged, but from where I was on the floor, I couldn’t tell where she was. I was grabbed by my hair, the person dragging me to my feet. When I stood up, I could see my mom bound and gagged on the bed to the left of me. To the right of me was a mirror. From the corner of my eye, I could tell who was doing it. It was my dad. He turned me around, grabbing my next immediately. “Don’t make a fucking sound,” he whispered. I looked up at my father as he choked me hard. I wrapped my hand around his, trying to tell him to let go. Instead, he only choked me harder. When I started to see stars, he threw me on the bed. He began to rip my clothes off, holding me by my neck as I struggled. I was now lying naked under him, my clothes thrown everywhere. He kept his hand firm on my neck. He knew I didn’t have enough breath in my body to fight him anymore. He freed his hard cock from his pants, wasting no time shoving it in my mouth. He fucked my mouth as I coughed and gagged in response. My mom was screaming through the tape on her mouth, but I couldn’t make out any words she was saying. He fucked my throat until he was even stiffer. He flipped me over on the bed, then began forcing his cock into my ass. I knew he told me not to make a sound, but I couldn’t control myself. I screamed at the top of my lungs, sobbing as he ripped my ass. When he finished forcing himself in me, he stopped, looking at my mom. “See, if you would’ve let me do this when we were married, it could’ve spared our sweet little girl. Never mind that now, though.” He fucked my ass hard, slowly picking up his pace. The more he fucked me, the worse it hurt. He didn’t care if he was hurting me, though. He was angry. He was angry at mom for divorcing him. He was angry at mom for keeping me from him. He was angry at me for never reaching out to him. He felt abandoned. He felt like we didn’t care. This was him getting his revenge. I was always the most important thing to mom, so hurting me was the easiest way to hurt her. He kept up his hard, fast pace, occasionally choking me. He filled my ass with his cum, pulling out after the last strand of cum was shot into me. He pulled me to my knees, shoving his cock in my mouth. He fucked my mouth slowly, making me clean off his cock. He spat on my face as I did it, smiling as I flinched. When he was content with my cleaning, he pulled his cock out again. He put his cock away, unlocked the door, then left.