Family Summer Barbecue

Disclaimer: This is obviously all fantasy and all age play. If you don’t like age play don’t read this.

“Come on, kiddo, it’s time for our bath,” Dad shouted from the bathroom. I crawled out of bed still groggy from last night’s sleep. Usually Dad lets me sleep in a little bit on the weekend, but since today was a big day, he wanted to make sure I was ready. Dad was already in the bath, his adult parts already big and hard. I got into the bath and Dad sat me on his lap. He tickled me for a few seconds, causing me to move around in his lap. Dad made the funny sounds he usually always makes when I’m in his lap, but instead of the usual play time we would always have, he stuck to washing me. Dad said I’d have a lot of play time later when everyone arrived. After the bath, Dad dried me off, paying close attention to my little parts. He left a little kiss on it before telling me how much he can’t wait to show everyone what I’ve learned since the last time I’ve seen them. Dad was torn between putting me in my favorite princess dress or something that would keep me from getting too hot in the sun. He opted for a pair of shorts that were really tiny and a little t-shirt that I couldn’t read. He helped me put my frilly little socks on and my sneakers before telling me how sexy I looked. Dad told me to go play while he went and got dressed for the day. 

It wasn’t long before everyone started to arrive. Dad was having a barbecue to start the summer. He invited my uncles and my grandpa. I hadn’t seen them since Christmas. As they all trickled in, Dad told me to come downstairs. I was greeted with a bunch of hugs and kisses from everyone. They told me how much I had grown since they last saw me a few months prior. Grandpa carried me out to the backyard, putting me on his lap as he sat down. Grandpa bounced me on his lap as he talked to my uncles. Dad was in charge of cooking the food, so he left me with the rest of the family to be watched. Occasionally, Grandpa would let me sit in my other uncles’ laps, but I always ended up back with him. Grandpa said I was his favorite grandchild, especially since I was the only girl. “Grandpa, I need to go potty,” I said as I tried climbing off his lap. He smiled down at me before holding me in place. “No, sweetheart, you can’t go yet,” he pouted at me. He handed me the bottle he was drinking and told me to drink from it. He called me a good girl as I drank down whatever he gave me. Dad drank out of these bottles all the time, but he told me I was too young to have them. Dad always gave me his special apple juice or milk instead. He told me it’d help me grow big and strong. 

After what felt like forever, I brought it up to Grandpa that I had to potty again, this time really, really badly. Grandpa laughed at me before tickling me. I couldn’t help but giggle and laugh as he tickled me, but I soon stopped laughing when I realized what was happening. I felt a warm, wet spot growing in my shorts. “Oh no, looks like someone wasn’t able to hold it,” Grandpa said before standing up. I left a spot on his pants, but I noticed his adult part was big and hard under his pants, just like Dad’s always is. When Dad turned around and saw my wet shorts he was very disappointed in me. “Bad girl, very bad girl,” he said before walking over to me. “I don’t have time to help you change and you’re too small to do it alone.” He looked up at my uncles and my grandpa and smirked, before telling me to come to him. He yanked down my shorts revealing my bare parts. Dad never gave me panties. “If you’re going to dirty yourself, you aren’t going to get clothes. What do I always tell you?” When my eyes started to well up with tears, Dad kissed me and told me it was ok. Dad told me to go play because it was almost time for everyone to eat. 

Dad, Grandpa, and my uncles ate while I played. I wasn’t allowed to eat yet. Dad said I was going to be getting more than enough milk and apple juice to fill my little tummy, so I wouldn’t need to eat anything. It didn’t take long for Dad to finish his food. He sat at the end of the table, everyone facing him. He pulled me onto his lap, spreading my legs. All the men stared at us smiling, telling me how cute I looked. Uncle Rick told me he loved my shirt. I told him I didn’t know what it said, which made everyone laugh at me. After all the laughing subsided, Grandpa said,“Sweetheart, it says ‘Little Cumslut.’” “Daddy, what’s a cumslut?” Dad smirked before saying, “It’s little girls like you that love milkies. You love milkies don’t you, little one?” When I shook my head yes, everyone smiled at me. “Good, you’re going to be getting a tummy full of milkies today. Everyone’s gonna give you milkies, the only difference is, it won’t be from your bottle. It’ll be from everyone’s adult parts. Is that ok, sweetheart?” I nodded my head with glee, before Dad kissed my mouth. 

“I guess it’s time I tell you all while you’re truly here,” Dad said to everyone. “I didn’t care about having a barbecue to bring in the summer. I just needed a way to bring everyone here. I wanted to surprise you guys. Little one here can now take my adult part in her kiddie hole, and I wanted you all to experience it.” Everyone cheered and laughed, telling me how good I was. Dad told everyone to clear the table before sitting me up there. “Keep your legs open, kiddo. Let everyone see,” Dad said as he stroked my little parts. “See how nice and wet it gets? It’s still really tight, but you can maybe put it in without her screaming and crying too much. I was thinking I’d break in the other hole,” Dad said, talking to everyone. They all agreed in unison before Dad walked around the other side of the table. He told me to lay down as he grabbed some of my jump ropes. He tied the ropes to my wrists and ankles before tying them to the legs of the table. I couldn’t move at all. I watched as everyone got undressed, staring at all the big adult parts. “You’re gonna have to be a good girl for us. I’ll let you play in the kiddie pool when we’re done. You have to be quiet, though. We don’t want anyone taking Daddy away do we?” When I shook my head no, Dad smiled. He kissed my lips, normal at first, but he forced his tongue in my mouth. His tongue explored my little mouth as I felt multiple hands over my body. I heard everyone whispering amongst themselves as they smiled down at me. Grandpa brushed his fingers against my little holes before kneeling down. “Let’s get you cleaned up from earlier, shall we?” Grandpa started to lick my little parts, which felt weird at first, especially because of his beard. When I started to make the happy noises Daddy loves so much, he started to lick a little faster. “She tastes so sweet. Just like all the candy she eats,” Grandpa said. Dad moved away from my mouth so Uncle Rick could come closer. Uncle Rick kissed my mouth like Dad did, before grabbing his adult part. He rubbed it slowly before telling me to open my mouth. I opened it immediately, which led to uncle Rick sliding his part into my mouth. “You’re doing a great job raising her,” he said to Dad, as he continued to move his parts in and out of my mouth. Uncle Rick picked up his speed, pushing his part deeper into my throat. I started to cough and drool, which made me uncomfortable. As I started to move, Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie held me down. Uncle Rick moved faster, pushing his part even deeper. He started to make the funny sounds Dad does every time he does that to me. “Here comes your milk, baby,” Uncle Rick said, before groaning. He shoved his parts all the way down my throat before giving me his milk. His milk was also salty like Daddy’s. He kissed my forehead before sitting in the chair. His adult part was still hard as he began to rub it slowly. Grandpa still kept his tongue on my little parts, darting between my holes. Uncle Ronnie was next to use my mouth like Uncle Rick. It didn’t take long for Uncle Ronnie to give me his milk too. As Uncle Jack moved to my mouth, I could see Daddy getting my kiddie pool and putting it in the middle of the backyard. I watched as he put his apple juice in the pool. I was a little sad, because I like to drink it, but I do love playing in it too. While Uncle Jack was using my mouth, Grandpa stood up. He spread my little parts open, giving them a good look. He spit in his hand and grabbed his part, before rubbing it. Grandpa shoved his part into my little part, causing me to scream around Uncle Jack’s part. Everyone hushed me in unison, telling me to be quiet and to be a good girl. It hurt so much, more than when Dad did it for the first time. Grandpa moved his part in and out slowly, matching the pace Uncle Jack was using in my mouth. Uncle Ronnie and Uncle Rick went to my hands, rubbing their parts with my hands. Dad walked around taking pictures. He loved taking pictures so show his friends at work. When Uncle Jack gave me his milkies, Grandpa took his part out of my little parts before shoving it in my mouth. He gave me his milkies too, but his part tasted like my little parts. Each of the men took turns using my little part. It hurt so much, but I didn’t scream or cry because I wanted to be a good girl. Each of them would use my little part, but they still made sure to give me my milkies in my mouth. Afterall, Dad said I was still too little to have milkies in my little part. He said once I’m old enough he’ll give me milkies so I can have a real baby doll to play with. When all the men had a turn using my little hole, they all gathered around, looking at it. “Look how gaped it is now. It was so tiny before, but it’s open now,” Grandpa said. “It didn’t take us long to ruin that hole. Who knows if it’ll go back to how it was before,” Uncle Jack said, laughing. “I don’t think we can call it a little part anymore. I think it’s time we upgrade it to cunt,” Dad said, as he moved his fingers in and out of me. “I think it’s also time I get to break in the next hole. You guys get to watch, but I’m the only one using this today,” Dad said, as he grabbed a pillow from one of the patio chairs. He put the pillow underneath me, which raised me up a little. He told one of my uncles to get him some tape. Dad took a piece of tape and put it over my mouth, just like he did the night he used my little part for the first time. I was very scared because I remembered how much it hurt when Daddy used me for the first time. I didn’t know what he was doing now. He told all the men to make sure they held me down. He didn’t think the ropes were enough. He also told Grandpa to cover my mouth. Once everyone was in place, Dad rubbed his parts against my sore little part. My part was really wet, but he still spit on his hand, rubbing his part like Grandpa did. I figured Dad was going to put his part in my little part again, but to my surprise, he went lower. He placed his part right at the opening of my other little hole. I started to move around more and more as he pushed, but everyone held me down. Dad slid in slowly, but I was already crying, trying to scream. “Fuck it’s tight,” Dad told everyone as he pushed deeper. I was full on sobbing at this time. Grandpa wiped my tears with the hand he wasn’t using to muffle me. Dad moved in and out of me slowly, telling everyone it was hard to hold back. Uncle Ronnie told him to go faster, Uncle Jack agreed. Uncle Ricky grabbed his phone and started to record. Dad picked up his pace, moving in and out faster and faster. Grandpa leaned down in my ear and told me I was okay. He told me he was going to take me out for ice cream and to buy a new doll. He told me he’d even take me to Disneyland for being such a brave girl. Dad moved in and out of me a few more times before making those funny noises. He put his milk in my other little hole. He smiled at everyone before pulling all the way out. They all ran to look at my hole, now driping milk. It was swollen and sore. It hurt to even breathe. Dad came up to my mouth, removing the tape. “Such a brave girl. You’re the bravest little girl in the world,” Dad kissed me before putting his part in my mouth. “Lick it and suck it clean like a lollipop. That’s my good girl,” he said as I licked his part. “She’s so obedient, just like her mother was for me”, Grandpa said. Uncle Jack and Uncle Ronnie helped untie me. Uncle Jack carried me to the kiddie pool, sitting me in it. “Are you ready for your apple juice?” I nodded my head as all the men gathered around. They all gave me their apple juice at the same time, spraying it on my face, body, hair, and mouth. Daddy promised that the next time they were ready to give me apple juice it’d go in my tummy, but they wanted me to splash around for them first. The rest of the afternoon was spent with me splashing around in the apple juice while the men talked. Occasionally, one of the men would give me apple juice or milkies or use my little hole again. Dad told everyone they could stay the night, so I knew that the fun was just getting started.

Earning Dad’s Love: Lesson 1

I couldn’t wait for the moment I started college. I had counted down the seconds until I could get away from my abusive father. My mother had left years ago, leaving me with him. I always resented her for it, but as I grew older, I understood why she left. Dad was flat out terrible. He was always mean and angry. He always seemed to hate me. I never got the feeling that he loved me. Sure, it caused me to develop severe daddy issues, which led to me begging for attention from any older man that would give it to me the moment I turned 18, but I still always thought I turned out okay. I was smart and one point ambitious. The lowest I would get on a test would be a B-, but even with that it wasn’t enough for dad. Dad would beat me and hit me constantly. He was a perfectionist on top of all the other “great” qualities he had. I had learned to cook and clean like a picture perfect housewife before I was 18 or I would be battered and bruised. Though I hated learning how to cook and clean while my friends were out partying and having fun, it did lead me to finding an older man near where I went to college. For years I did all the housework for him while pleasing him sexually. It was fun to finally be away from that monster I came from. But, good things don’t always last. As I was concluding my final year in college, I had come to the realization I wanted to be a housewife. I had no interest in working for anyone. The thought of keeping a house and having children was what excited me, not putting my diploma to use. As I came to this realization, the older man I had been dating decided he didn’t want children. He also decided he didn’t want me. I found myself packing my bags and heading back to live with my father the day after graduation. I didn’t tell him I was close to graduating, because I didn’t want him there. When I turned up at his doorstep after not speaking for years, he definitely had mixed feelings. He had only taken me in because I was his daughter, and even though he never showed he loved me, he also didn’t believe in letting me live on the street. I could also tell he really didn’t want me back at home, through. When I told him I had graduated, I couldn’t tell if he even cared that he wasn’t invited to the ceremony. He sort of just shrugged it off. He had asked me about what I wanted to do for work, more so to get a feel of when I’d be leaving his house, and not to see what my interests were. When I told him I didn’t want to work, he laughed at me. He told me he knew I was too stupid to get a job and that I would realize this eventually. He also told me, to my surprise, that no man would ever want me. He told me I wasn’t good enough, wasn’t worthy of love. He reassured me that I didn’t have his love, so why would anyone else be willing to give it to me. I couldn’t help but notice the devious smile that crept across his face as he saw the tears start to fall from my eyes. He laughed at me before telling me I at least had a nice face and body and that would maybe give me a fighting chance to find someone. He made sure to eagerly remind me not to get my hopes up, though. The night ended with me running to my room and crying my eyes out for the rest of the night. 

The next morning I was woken up to the sound of my father pounding on my door. I could hear his anger with each kick and hit of the door. When I opened the door, I was greeted with a slap to the face. “Did you forget your fucking rules? Why the fuck was breakfast not on the table at 8 and why the fuck was this door locked. You’re back in my house under my rules,” he spat at me before hitting me again. He threw me to the floor before raising his fist at me. He looked over my trembling body, before demanding I look at him. As I looked at him, I could see in his face he was thinking of something. He grabbed me by the arm before dragging me off to the couch. He sat down in front of me, looking at my helpless body. Dad was always a lot bigger and stronger than me. He was always in shape and was very active. He would play sports on the weekend all the time when I was younger. It was the only time I had any peace at home. Dad was very good looking, if not anything else, I always had to admit that. “I’m feeling nice today, but don’t get used to it, I promise you this won’t happen often. Would you prefer to be beaten, or would you prefer option number two? Choose carefully, because you won’t be able to change your mind once you say it.” I was silent for a few moments, trying to figure out what option two could be. I knew it couldn’t be worse than his beatings. I had permanent marks from when he would hit me when I was younger. As I sat there contemplating, dad uttered the words that would change our relationship forever. “Option two isn’t conventional, but option two might eventually, way down the line, lead to me finally being proud of you and loving you.” Though he made sure to emphasize the words “way down the line,” I was still the desperate little girl that wanted nothing more than her father’s love. Without thinking, I told him option two. It was the first time he called me a good girl. He told me to come over to the couch before grabbing my arm tightly. He looked into my eyes and said, “once you choose this there’s no going back, I assure you I will never ever love you if you change your mind. Do you understand?” I nodded in agreement, before watching in shock and horror as he began to unzip his pants. He pulled out his cock, already hard and ready. “You’re not going to live here doing nothing. You’ll be serving me like you’ll be serving your future husband, if you find someone dumb enough to marry you. I’m going to teach you how to be a good wife, since you’ve already failed at being a good daughter. Being able to cook and clean isn’t enough. The most important thing you need to learn is how to please a man. Tell me, are you a virgin?” When I shook my head no, he rolled his eyes before slapping me. “I knew you were going to be a whore. If you want to be a whore, I’ll show you how to be a whore. Whores need to know how to suck cock. Go on, show me how you suck it.” He let go of my arm, seeing if I’d run away, he was testing me, testing how much I wanted his love and approval. I earned another good girl as I positioned myself between his legs. I started with sucking the tip, which earned me a few moans. I slowly took more and more of my father into my throat, gagging along the way. “Good. Most guys like to hear a woman struggle to choke down their cock. I’m glad you still have a gag reflex.” The older guy I was with before didn’t have the biggest cock in the world. I never had an issue taking him down my throat, but dad was significantly bigger. I bobbed my head up and down, making sure to stop momentarily at the base each time. “Good girl, blow the cock you came out of,” dad groaned. When he said that, it snapped me back to reality. I couldn’t believe I was on my knees in front of my own abusive father swallowing down his cock. I was disgusted, but when I tried to pull away he grabbed me. “Oh? You’re okay with being a disappointed to your father? The only parent that cared enough to stay in your life? If you don’t want my love and approval you can leave right fucking now and go live on the street like the whore you are. I wish I would’ve had a son. He wouldn’t have disappointed me. I’d love him unconditionally. That gash between your legs makes you unlovable. I hate it and I hate you. I’m being gracious and letting you stay in my house again and you won’t even try to be a good daughter.” I was sobbing my eyes out at this point, not sure what to do. I was completely repulsed by what I was doing, but I truly did want my father’s love. “Either get your mouth back on my cock or I’ll beat you and if you live, IF, I will throw you onto the street and you’ll be dead to me.” Through my sobs I took his cock back in my mouth, sucking and licking up and down. “Kiss it. Kiss it as a thank you for me being so kind to you.” I kissed his cock softly from head to base, making sure to show how thankful I was for this opportunity. He rubbed my head softly, whispering how much of a good girl I was and how proud of me he was as I worshiped his cock. This was truly the first time he told me he was proud of me. After a few minutes, he stood up. “Enough of the fatherly love. It’s time to show you how to really take a cock down your throat.” He gripped his hands in my hair before shoving his cock all the way down my throat. I coughed and sputtered but he didn’t care. He fucked my throat harder, causing even more tears to fall from my eyes. I drooled so much that I soaked through the t-shirt I wore to bed. He fucked my throat harder before bottoming out completely. He stayed there for a few moments, though it felt like hours. “If you puke I’ll knock your teeth out and you won’t get food for a week.” I tried my hardest to not puke, though his cock wasn’t moving at all. No amount of moving away, twisting, banging his thighs stopped him.” As he pushed me off of his cock, he watched all the spit that came out of my mouth. He cupped the spit in his hand before rubbing it all over my tear stained and puffy face. He jacked off over my face for a few seconds before cumming all over me. “I’m sure all your siblings would’ve been better than you, but since I’m stuck with you, you get to have them on your face.” He forced me to suck the final bit of cum from his cock before standing back and admiring what he did to me. “Not bad for your first lesson. We are going to have to rewrite your rules after breakfast, but I’ll give you your first new rule. If I cum on your face, you are to keep it there until I tell you otherwise. My cum is precious and you will treat it as such. Now, while I write down your new rules, you are going to go make my breakfast. This load on your face will be your breakfast when I finally allow you to eat it. Maybe you can earn people food for dinner if you follow all the rules from now on. Now go,” he yelled before spitting in my face. Even though I felt not only disgusted with myself but with everything that happened, I knew I was committed to finally earning my father’s love. I knew that nothing was going to stop me from finally being loved by him, nothing at all, no matter how depraved and disgusting it was.

Piss Party

Once every few months, Mariana, Aubrey, and I get together for a weekend. The three of us always looked forward to the time we get to spend together. We’d always do things like watch movies, do face masks, and talk and gossip about different things. Along with these things, we had a ‘different’ kind of fun. The first night of our weekend together is always spent the same way. It always starts with us drinking wine to our heart’s content while naked. We take in as much wine as our bladders can handle before the real fun starts. When our bladders are nice and full, we put down towels on the floor. Whoever’s place we’re staying at gets to chose who’s cunt gets eaten first. The last time we saw each other, we were at Aubrey’s place, so she had the pick. She told Mariana to lay down; and for me to get more wine glasses. Aubrey’s tongue was already exploring Mariana’s cunt by the time I came back. I quickly joined Aubrey, sucking, and pinching Mariana’s tits. Aubrey and I took turns lapping at Mariana’s cunt. When Mariana’s bladder became too painful to hold anymore, I handed her the glass. We watched as she filled up the glass, the three of us jokingly arguing about who gets to take the first sip. After making out with Aubrey, I convinced her to let me drink our new ‘wine’ first. Mariana handed me the pissed filled glass. I wasted no time drinking it. I moaned at the taste, which caused a smile from the two girls patiently waiting their turn. When I was done, I handed the glass to Aubrey, who eagerly took a sip from the glass. Aubrey passed the glass to Mariana, who was excited to taste her own piss. While Mariana enjoyed her own piss, Aubrey got up and got a bucket. She said she had been saving it for the next time we came over. She told Mariana to dump what was left in the glass in the bucket before they turned their attention to me. I made out with Mariana as Aubrey ate my cunt. I couldn’t help but moan into Mariana’s mouth. After a few minutes, the girls switched. I tasted my cunt from Aubery’s lips while Mariana enjoyed my cunt. The same thing happened when I felt my bladder was close to giving. Aubrey handed me a glass, and I filled it to the brim. We took turns drinking from the glass before that, too, went into the bucket. Last but definitely not least, Mariana and I took turns eating Aubrey’s cunt and making out with her until she needed to piss. Before adding her piss to the bucket, we decided to do a piss swap. Aubery got her mouth filled with her piss, then spat it into my mouth. In turn, I spat her piss into Mariana’s mouth. We kept passing the piss back and forth between each other’s mouths until Aubery swallowed it. After pouring her glass into the bucket, she picked it up then told her to follow her into the bathroom. She told us to get in the tub, then got in with us. She took one of the glasses, submerging it in the filled bucket. She poured the filled glass over our heads. We giggled and laughed as we made out with one another and poured more piss over ourselves. When the bucket was just about empty, we drank the last little bit of piss that was left. The three of us sat in the tub, our fingers and mouths exploring each other’s bodies before we showered together. We spend the rest of the night drinking wine and piss and playing with each other’s cunts, asses, and tits. The first night of our weekend is always our favorite, but how could you blame us?

Toilet Whore

“What the fuck are you doing, you stupid cunt,” Sir screamed at me? Sir had come home early. I was on a strict no-touching rule. To make matters worse, I was cumming as Sir walked in. I knew I was in for a terrible punishment, and I started to cry right away. Sir stormed over to me, smacking my face and cunt multiple times. He made sure to do it as hard as he could. He grabbed me by my hair and led me to the bathroom. “If you insist on touching that cunt of yours, you can touch it. It’s gonna be under my rules though. Don’t forget, you belong to me. You do what I tell you. I use you for my entertainment.” Sir lifted the toilet seat, “if you’re gonna rub yourself, you’ll do it with your head in there.” He stared at me, waiting for me to do it. I knew I couldn’t back out. I bent over the toilet, sticking my head in. I reached down and began to rub my cunt, the sound of Sir’s laughter filling the room. I was to edge every day for thirty mins with my head in the toilet. This was only the begging of a multiphase punishment.

After a week, it was time for the next phase. “You’ve been a good cunt this week, so I’ll be nice. You get to cum every day this week!” My initial reaction was to be excited, but knowing Sir, it was too good to be true. I knew there was a catch, and I was going to have to wait to find out. When it was time for my edging, Sir followed me into the bathroom. I did my edging with my head in the toilet like I was instructed to. When I got close, Sir told me I could cum, if I shoved my face in the water. I pouted, but I was so desperate to cum, I agreed. I submerged my face into the water while my orgasm flowed through me. This was to be how I came every day, until further notice.

It had been a little over a week since I had started submerging my face in the water, while I came. It was time for Sir to take it up a notch. “You don’t have to stick your head in the toilet while you rub your cunt anymore.” Like being able to cum, I knew there was a catch. “Instead of sticking your head in the toilet, you’re to lick and kiss the toilet seat.” I wanted to protest, but even with all my protests, I’d still have to do it. To add to the humiliation, Sir made me rub my cunt against the seat before I licked it. Before I came, Sir made me submerge my face again, this time flushing the toilet as I came. I never licked the same thing two days in a row. One day it was the seat. The next day was under the seat. The day after that was the toilet bowl itself. It all ended with him flushing my face and laughing at me though. 

The last phase was the most humiliating. Sir pissed in and all over the seat. I was to lick the seat clean, before shoving my face completely in the piss filled water.  For twenty minutes, I had to lick the toilet clean, then shove my face in his piss. When Sir needed to piss, this is what he did. Just the mention of him needing to piss made my cunt drip. Eventually, Sir didn’t allow me to cum, but I didn’t care. I looked forward to this every time he got up. I knew I was a disgusting whore for getting turned on when Sir needed to piss, but my cunt has a mind of its own. Hopefully one day, Sir will let me cum again. Until then, I’m happy being a toilet whore.

Be a Good Girl

“Be a good girl.”, dad snapped at me. I was crying and wiggling around, trying to get him off of me. I had been woken up by dad yanking my pajama pants down. The more I fought, the angrier he got. “I made you, you stupid whore. Without me, there’d be no you. You’re lucky I even kept you. Once your mom died I could’ve had you shipped off. You should be thanking me!” Mom died when I was a little kid. Dad never had time to find a new relationship because work and me took up all his time. He was frustrated. He was pent up. He was already in his 50s, and I was all he had. I was now 18, and about to leave for college in a few months. He refused to be alone. He felt he gave his life for me, and it was time I did the same. Dad was a very dominant man, I didn’t know how dominant until now. I didn’t know mom was his sex slave. He only kept me after her death, so I could be next in line.

Dad slapped me hard, followed by him grabbing my throat. He choked me until I stopped moving. He threw me on the floor, then told me to get on my knees. He pulled his pajama pants down, freeing his cock. I was a good girl in high school and had never done anything besides a few kisses here and there. I was a complete virgin. “Be a good girl and put it in your mouth.” I took the head of his cock in my mouth. I was too scared to tell him no. He shoved the rest of himself into my mouth, not willing to wait for me to warm up to it. His cock hit the back of my throat, causing me to gag loudly. My drool dripped steadily from my mouth. He held my head in place as he fucked me, not caring how uncomfortable I was. My tank top was now wet with spit. He threw me off of him, then grabbed my hair. He pulled me up, then tossed me on my bed. Dad’s plan was simple. Knock me up so I can’t leave. He wanted a new sex slave, and he was determined to have me fill in that position. He lined his hard cock up with my virgin cunt. He had no interest in making it not hurt. Whether I wanted it or not, this was my job now. I wasn’t his daughter anymore. Without hesitation, he slammed his whole length into me, causing me to scream. Tears flowed steadily as he fucked me hard. This was his first time in years, and he wasn’t holding back. Every beg and plead for him to stop was met with, “Be a good girl and shut up.” I cried silently as he kept going. It felt like my cunt was going to rip. He filled me with cum. He pulled his pants up and walked out, leaving me with his load dripping from me. I cried myself to sleep. This wasn’t the last time he’d do this, and I couldn’t stop him. This was going to be my new life, and I had no choice but to be a good girl and love it.

The Train Ride

It was just after five when I got to the subway station. I had lost track of time while with my friends. I had made a promise to myself to get the train back home before rush hour, and here I was right in the middle of it. I sighed as I put my metro card into the machine, deciding to just live with my mistake. As I put the card into the machine, the bright red “Stop” flashed on the screen. I couldn’t describe how pissed and annoyed I was. I watched as the train I was about to get on leave, as I went to put money on the card. As I was putting money on the card, I couldn’t help but notice a man on the machine next to me. He was taller than me, though being 5’2”, everyone’s taller than me. I was wearing a baby pink lowcut tank top, a short skater skirt that was the same color pink, and a pair of white high-top Converse. The man wasn’t making any effort to hide the fact he was staring directly down my shirt, but I didn’t say anything. I was tired, annoyed, and just wanted to go home. 

It took about five minutes for the next train to come. When it did, it seemed like half of the station got on. This was the second stop on the line, so the seats were already taken. We all piled in, standing shoulder to shoulder. I held the bar above me to steady myself, not wanting to knock into anyone. As the train took off, I felt someone behind me. At first, I didn’t think much of it. It was a packed train, after all, so people were going to be on top of each other. It wasn’t until I felt the person get really close to me that I realized they weren’t on me just because there wasn’t any room. I felt what felt like a rock-hard bulge resting against me. My eyes widen, but I was too scared to say anything. We had arrived at the next stop, a few people getting on and off, but the person stayed glued to me. As the train took off, I felt a hand traveling down my body. He brushed the top tits first, my nipples hardening instantly. He allowed his hand to travel further, stopping at the top of my skirt. I could feel the bulge growing even more. I heard what sounded like a zipper unzip, sending fear and arousal through me. I heard soft groans that sounded like he was jerking off. He still didn’t say any words to me, though.

We pulled into the next station, five more stops until the end of the line. The hand that had been resting at the top of my skirt now found its way under it. Though I was horrified, the easy little slut in me parted my legs, letting the man get to where he wanted to be. I heard him groan again as his big, long fingers brushed over my soft, wet cunt. He rubbed my panty-covered pussy as he rubbed his cock against my skirt-covered ass. Unlike the other times we pulled into a new station, he didn’t stop what he was doing. He was too horny to care about anyone seeing. I felt my heart skip a beat as his fingers began to fight their way into my panties. I didn’t expect him to actually touch me. He groped my bare cunt, rubbing his cock against me faster. He ran his rough fingers along my hairless lips for a few seconds before actually diving in. He rubbed little circles against my swollen clit, causing a soft moan to leave my lips. I could hear him chuckle under his breath as he listened to my soft moans. There were three more stops before the end of the line. As the train left this station, the man recognized he needed to finish quickly if he was going to do it right here, right now. He slipped his finger into my dripping wet hole, causing almost too loud moans to come from both of us. He slipped another finger in, pumping them in and out quickly. My legs started to buckle, but I didn’t want to make what we were doing obvious, so I held on to the rail. He had slipped his cock under my skirt and was now rubbing it against my panties. One more stop. He pumped his fingers in and out of me desperately. He was using his free hands to wrap my panties around his cock. As we were quickly approaching the final stop, I heard him groan, which he disguised as him clearing his throat. My cunt started to spasm against his fingers. I began cumming all over this stranger’s hand. I could feel him pull the back of my panties aside and dump his hot, thick load of cum into my panties, covering my bare ass.

The last strand of cum hit my ass as the train pulled into the station. He took his hands from under my skirt. I fixed my clothes , making sure my skirt was completely down. The train, which was still generously packed, began to empty out. The man who was behind me walked out ahead of me. I could tell by the clothes he was wearing he was the man that was at the machine next to me. He looked back at me, licking his fingers as he smiled. I smiled at him and waved back before walking up the stairs next to me. I haven’t seen him since that day. Now, I make sure to wear sluttier clothes when going to the city. I also take the train in the dead of rush hour now. I often wonder who the guy was and if he did the same thing to other women. Every time I think about it, my cunt starts to drip instantly. I hope one day he or some other strange, perverted man does this to me again. Until then, I’ll just dream about it every chance I get.

A Day at Master Cade’s

Mariana and I waited patiently for Master Cade to come home. He told us to make sure we were very well hydrated, meaning close to pissing ourselves, before he got home. We greeted him like always, on our knees at the front door. After a quick pat on the head, he told the two of us to get up. He took us into the living room, where he sat down on the couch. We always took turns sucking his cock and balls when he came home. We usually did this to get him hard for whatever was to come. When he was satisfied. He made us drink more water. When our bladders were nice and full, he made us hand him our panties. We were required to spend any time that wasn’t taken up by chores playing with each other. He ordered us to sit on the couch with our legs opened wide. He examined our wet cunts, before he shoved our panties into them. He made us drink another bottle of water before we were allowed to suck his cock and balls again. We kept him hard and on edge, building up the amount of cum in his balls. He knew us well and knew when our bladders would be just about ready to burst. “Get up, girls. Sit on the couch and open your legs.” We did as we were told, waiting for his next move. He started with Mariana first. He slowly slid her soaking wet panties from her cunt, pressing lightly on her bladder as he did it. He held her panties in his hands as he did the same to me. He loved seeing the discomfort and desperation on our faces. He pressed on our bladders a little bit longer before throwing our panties on the floor. “You’ll be pissing on these, girls,” he said, bringing us over to where he dropped them. We stood over our panties, pissing on them simultaneously. The sounds of pee hitting our panties on the hardwood floor filled the room. Master Cade rubbed his cock as he watched us emptying our bladders. When we were done, he made us rub our panties in our puddles, making sure to sop up as much piss as possible. “You two know what to do,” he moaned, his hands still rubbing his cock. Mariana and I picked up each other’s panties and stuffed them into our mouths. Master Cade smiled at us, then told us to get on our knees. He was ready to blow his huge load. He started with me. He pushed his stiff cock into my tight asshole while fingering Mariana’s ass. He fucked my ass hard, his fingers in Mariana’s ass matching the same speed. After a few moments, he pulled out. Mariana and I switched places. He used her ass just as roughly as he used mine. He told us to remember to suck the piss from the panties, not wanting us to waste any of it. When Master Cade was ready to cum, he pulled out. He told Mariana and me to face him as he stroked himself quickly. He groaned as he looked down at us. He loved seeing the two of us sucking each other’s pissed soaked panties while our eyes begged for his cum. He shot hot, thick strands of white cum all over our faces, moaning as he did. When he was done, he told us to clean up whatever piss was left on the floor, without wiping the cum from our faces. This was only the beginning of a long, piss and cum filled night.

A Slut’s Love Language

Affirmation, physical touch, acts of service, gifts, and quality time make up the five love languages. These are the ways we show and receive love. Everyone needs love. Everyone needs to be shown that they’re loved, including cunts. Now, I’ll be the first to tell you that cunts don’t deserve any sort of kindness, consideration, rights, pretty much anything an actual human needs and deserves, but when it comes to love, I think they need it. You may ask why, and I’ll tell you why. If a cunt knows it’s loved, it’ll give it more of a reason to submit. Of course, you can always just force it to do whatever you want, and you can threaten and punish it when it disobeys you. On days where you don’t feel up to abusing your cunt to make it do what you want, it’s nice to have a cunt that’ll freely do whatever you tell it to. This is where love comes in. I don’t want you to think that I actually treat my cunt with respect, though. These five things are the perfect way to show cunts you love them.

First is affirmation. I’m lucky because my cunt response very well to this. Instead of telling her that I love her or that she’s beautiful, I tell her that she’s dumb, worthless, and brainless. I remind her as often as possible that she is inadequate, idiotic, and simply stupid. See, my whore reacts well to this. Whenever I say any of these things to her, her cunt starts to drool immediately.

Second is physical touch. Cunts always need to know that they are being useful. That’s the most important thing to them. Whenever your cunt does something right, make sure you show it. This could be anything from spitting in their mouths, slapping them, punching them, whipping them. Just do something physical to show your appreciation.

Third is acts of service. Do something to your cunt that you don’t normally do. I rarely fuck my cunt, so from time to time, I’ll hate fuck her ass, unlubed, of course. This is only one example, though. You can do whatever you feel would be an act of service to your cunt. Maybe it’s tossing them a blanket while they sleep on the cold hard floor during winter, letting her sit on the furniture, or letting her shower like a human, instead of hiding her down like the animal she is. The possibilities with this one are endless.

Fourth is gifts. If you’re saying to yourself that whores don’t deserve anything, you’re right. Don’t waste your money on them. Your cum and piss is enough of a gift for them. Make them thank you for pissing or cumming on them or in them. Remind them that they are to thank you every single time you give them one of these gifts. 

Lastly, quality time. Like acts of service, these possibilities are limitless. Personally, when I get home from work, I have my cunt lick my balls and asshole for a few hours. This is our quality time. I talk about my day as she laps away at my balls and ass like the pathetic dog she is. I never ask her about her day, though, that doesn’t matter. I also throw in some affirmations while she’s down there. You can do this, or make her suck your cock while you’re eating the dinner she prepared you, or using her as a coffee table or footrest as you watch TV. 

I hope you’ve all learned something from this. Whores need to know their owner cares! Make sure you show them, but make sure you show them the ‘right’ way.

A Visit from Dad

I was sixteen when mom and dad divorced. It had been two years since I had seen him, so you could imagine my surprise when I came home to his car in our driveway. Mom hated him and wanted nothing to do with him. She hadn’t mentioned him, so I wasn’t sure why he was here. I walked into the quiet house, yelling to mom first. “Mom, I see dad’s car in the driveway. Is he here?” My question was greeted with silence, which was strange. Maybe they went somewhere or something? I walked up the stairs walking past my mom’s room. I could faint noises coming from the room, noises that sounded like she was struggling. As I started to open her door, the door flung open. I was pulled in, then thrown to the floor. I heard the door slam and lock behind me. I hit the floor so hard I didn’t know what was happening. I could hear my mother struggling more. It sounded like she was gagged, but from where I was on the floor, I couldn’t tell where she was. I was grabbed by my hair, the person dragging me to my feet. When I stood up, I could see my mom bound and gagged on the bed to the left of me. To the right of me was a mirror. From the corner of my eye, I could tell who was doing it. It was my dad. He turned me around, grabbing my next immediately. “Don’t make a fucking sound,” he whispered. I looked up at my father as he choked me hard. I wrapped my hand around his, trying to tell him to let go. Instead, he only choked me harder. When I started to see stars, he threw me on the bed. He began to rip my clothes off, holding me by my neck as I struggled. I was now lying naked under him, my clothes thrown everywhere. He kept his hand firm on my neck. He knew I didn’t have enough breath in my body to fight him anymore. He freed his hard cock from his pants, wasting no time shoving it in my mouth. He fucked my mouth as I coughed and gagged in response. My mom was screaming through the tape on her mouth, but I couldn’t make out any words she was saying. He fucked my throat until he was even stiffer. He flipped me over on the bed, then began forcing his cock into my ass. I knew he told me not to make a sound, but I couldn’t control myself. I screamed at the top of my lungs, sobbing as he ripped my ass. When he finished forcing himself in me, he stopped, looking at my mom. “See, if you would’ve let me do this when we were married, it could’ve spared our sweet little girl. Never mind that now, though.” He fucked my ass hard, slowly picking up his pace. The more he fucked me, the worse it hurt. He didn’t care if he was hurting me, though. He was angry. He was angry at mom for divorcing him. He was angry at mom for keeping me from him. He was angry at me for never reaching out to him. He felt abandoned. He felt like we didn’t care. This was him getting his revenge. I was always the most important thing to mom, so hurting me was the easiest way to hurt her. He kept up his hard, fast pace, occasionally choking me. He filled my ass with his cum, pulling out after the last strand of cum was shot into me. He pulled me to my knees, shoving his cock in my mouth. He fucked my mouth slowly, making me clean off his cock. He spat on my face as I did it, smiling as I flinched. When he was content with my cleaning, he pulled his cock out again. He put his cock away, unlocked the door, then left.

New Puppy

My new puppy sat and watched as I brought in the stuff from the store. Like a good owner, I got her a huge cage with a comfy, fluffy bed to go in it. I set the cage up right in the living room, wanting her main bed to be in the room I’m in the most. The cage and bed were pink. I knew she liked pink, and I cared enough to get something she’d like. Puppy wasn’t an actual puppy. She wasn’t a dog at all. She was a girl that I ‘adopted’ from a guy I know. She was horrified and had no clue what was going on. I kept her leashed up in the corner with a pretty pink gag that resembled a doggy bone in her mouth. I shoved a furry butt plug up her ass and stuck matching ears on her head. She was such a pretty puppy. She watched as I filled the cage with pink squeaky toys, confused as to what was going on. I didn’t tell her she was going to be my new puppy. She didn’t have a say in anything, so I didn’t feel the need to tell her. Her previous owner told her she’d only be here a few days apparently, poor girl. I wasn’t letting her go anytime soon, and I’m sure as she watched me decorate this cage, she knew it too.

When the cage was done, I turned my attention to the girl. She looked at me with the prettiest puppy eyes imaginable. Tears rolled down her cheeks; she had obviously realized what was happening. It all clicked. The tail, the cage, the collar, she was the puppy. I stood over her as she curled into herself. Her tears started to flow faster. “Hush my little puppy. It’s okay. You’ll like your new home. I promise you will. I got a new bed and cage just for you. I could’ve given you the cage my last bitch had, but I wanted to be nice. I’ve given you a bunch of toys. I brought you a pink collar and a matching leash. Everyone knows the kinds of animals I keep, so they won’t think anything of me walking my new puppy. If you don’t stop crying and be happy, you’ll be sleeping outside on the ground. Now stop your whining, and wag that tail for your new owner.” The girl looked at me in fear, shaking her head no. My sweet, calm voice was quickly replaced with anger. “I don’t believe in hitting animals, but I will hit you!” She started crying harder, which made me grab her leash. I untied the leash and yanked her hard. “You walk on all fours from now on, bitch.” I yanked her along, making sure she wasn’t able to steady herself. I opened the door to the backyard, pulling her along. I took her into the middle of the yard, telling her not to move a muscle. “I think we need to wash any of those old, human thoughts from your brain. Maybe this will help.” I pulled out the hose, turning it on her without warning. She struggled and screamed through her gag, causing neighbors to look out their windows. “Sorry everyone, I’m training my new puppy. I thought she was going to be good, but I guess not.” She was wet and shaking from the cold water against her naked body. “This is a good start. Maybe if I come out here and do this every hour, you’ll learn to be the good girl.” I dragged her to a tree, tying her leash to it. I left for a moment, then came back holding a roll of tape. “Here, puppy,” I say, taping her hands and feet together. “I wouldn’t want you getting out and running away from me. If you leave, I’ll have to hunt you down. Trust me, you don’t want that. You’ll be my good girl in no time. I just know you will. You have no choice,” I say as I walk into the house. I’m going to go back out there every so often to spray her. Night will be here soon, and the temperature will drop. Once she’s shaking and shivering, she’ll comply with anything I say. Until then, I’ll just think about all the fun I’ll be having with her eventually.