Expecting Daughter

“Why didn’t you tell me you had bags, sweetie,” dad said, rushing over to me. “I told you if you needed to do anything, let me know and I’ll do it.” Dad had always been extremely worrisome when it came to me, his only daughter, but he’s become even worse since I’ve gotten pregnant.“I’m okay dad, I promise. I needed to get a few more things for the nursery.” He smiled warmly at me. His face lit up every time I mentioned the baby, even though at this point, just me walking into a room is enough of a reminder. Dad and I walked upstairs, going into the nursery. We sat the bags down, looking around in excitement. I think dad was more excited than I was when I told him I was pregnant. Dad’s wanted grandkids since I was eighteen, which of course sounds weird to the normal person. Mom and dad divorced when I was eighteen, which caused an issue between her and me. I decided to stay with dad to finish out my last year of high school. We moved closer to my school, so it would be easier for me to commute, since he started work, before I left for school. We moved to a one-bedroom apartment that was a fifteen-minute walk from my high school. It wasn’t the greatest accommodation, but it was only for less than a year. We decided it would work, and we’d be fine. Dad and I had to share a bed. We had always been close, so neither of us thought anything of it. One night while lying in bed, he revealed to me that he hadn’t felt happy. I mean, you couldn’t blame him. He divorced the woman he had been with since high school and we downgraded houses. We only had each other. He said the happiest he had ever been was when my mom was pregnant with me. I had two brothers, but he admitted to not being as excited through their pregnancies. I was sure he was just being nice, considering I was the only one who decided to stay with him and not mom. He told me that night that he couldn’t wait for his little girl to have a child. He said that the day I tell him I’m pregnant, would be the second happiest day of his life. Two years later, I was pregnant. Two years later dad and I had moved from that cramped apartment, but we still lived together. I had considered going to college after I graduated, but I decided to focus on making dad’s dream come true as fast as possible.

 My trip down memory lane, thinking about the night dad told me he wanted a grandchild, was interrupted by dad himself. He kissed me on my neck, which earned him a grin from me. I turned around and he kissed me and put his hand only my belly. I was eight months, and my belly was huge. Dad loved that though. 

“I needed you earlier,” dad whispered in my ear.

“Well, I’m here now,” I smirked, kissing him back. We went into our bedroom, dad closing the door behind us. He took a moment to appreciate the big belly that he caused, then started to kiss down my neck. Slowly, he removed my clothes, until I stood before my own father naked. He took a step back, admiring the two things he helped make, me and our baby. 

“You’re so gorgeous, baby. Just gorgeous.” 

He pulled me to the bed, telling me to sit down on the side. He quickly stripped down too, his hard cock standing at full attention. I grabbed his cock, stroking it slowly, picking up pace little by little. My father groaned my name, a sound I’ve grown to love. I took him into my mouth, gagging on his amazing cock. My drool leaked onto my belly, which dad loved. Since I started to show, his second favorite thing has been seeing my spit on my pregnant belly. His favorite thing, though, was seeing his cum on my belly. Dad has always came in me, never using a condom. When we decided to have something more than just a daddy-daughter relationship, we decided I go on birth control until I was ready for kids. He’s been cumming in me for two years now. He just says there’s something so sexy about the cum that made me being sprayed on the belly that contained his unborn child and grandchild. 

Dad pulled his cock out of my mouth, rubbing my cheek lovingly, then kissing my forehead. He told me to lay back and open my legs, to which I immediately complied. He got between my legs, licking my pussy up and down, then sticking his tongue in me. He made me cum with his tongue first, then his fingers. He loved making his dear little girl feel good. He finally stuck his cock in me, causing a moan to come from both of us. He rubbed my belly as he thrust into me, telling me all the dirty, taboo things he knew I loved to hear. “I love fucking my little daughter so much. She takes her father’s cock like a pro. You love your father’s cock, don’t you, baby?” All I could do was moan in response, as I was already completely lost in ecstasy. It wasn’t too much longer until I needed to cum. 

“Cum all over your dad’s cock, sweetheart. Cum all over the cock you love so much. This is your cock, baby. This is my daughter’s cock. I love making my daughter cum all over it.”

That pushed me over the edge. I came all over my father’s cock, moaning as loud as I could. Dad pulled out of me, then grabbed a pillow. He put it underneath me, so it was easier to get to my ass. My pussy was dripping so much, my asshole was already lubed. He slid into my ass easily, fucking away at it. Dad was the person who took my virginity. He made sure to teach his little girl how to take it in the ass. Lucky for dad, I loved anal a lot. He fucked my ass steadily, as our moans and grunts filled the room. Dad was on a mission to make me cum again. He made sure to remind me of what a little anal slut I was for him, telling me how much he enjoys listening to my whoreish moans. He brought me to the edge again, this time making me beg to cum. “Beg me to let you cum, baby. I want to hear my daughter beg me to cum. Dad controls your orgasms, after all, baby. Beg, little girl.”

“Please let me cum dad,” I moaned, desperately. “Please, dad! Your cock feels so good. I need to cum. Please let your baby girl cum.” 

Dad took a lot of pleasure in making me desperate. He said he loved watching his creation become needy. It was one of the most beautiful sights to him. 

When dad was pleased with my begging, he allowed me to cum. Dad fucked me a few minutes longer, finally pulling out and covering my eight-month pregnant belly with his cum. He laid next to me, kissing me softly. He whispered he loved me, then kissed me again. He started at my milk heavy, swollen breasts, biting his lip. 

“May I?” I shook my head, then held my tit up. Dad wrapped his lips around my nipple, sucking tenderly. He loved drinking from me. It was one of the most intimate things we do now. After sucking for a few moments, he switched to my other tit. His face couldn’t hide the amount of pleasure he felt, as he drank his daughter’s breast milk. It was obvious it was his favorite drink. When dad told me when I was eighteen he wanted a grandchild, I didn’t think that he’d be the one to get me pregnant. I didn’t think he’d become my lover first, and father second. I didn’t think that feeding my dad my breast milk, would become one of my favorite things to do in the world. As I watch my father suck my nipples, and feel his cum dry on my belly, all I could think about is doing this for years to come.

Snapchat Location

Mariana, Butts, and I sat on the floor talking, waiting for T to get arrive. We all decided to get together to hang out. It didn’t take long for T to arrive, hugging each of us as she came in. The four of us started to talk and drink, which led to us making out with each other. Since I had a Snapchat dedicated to NSFW content, I decided to pull out my phone. I filmed the four of us taking turns making out and groping each other. I posted a bunch of videos, enjoying the messages I was getting. It was still early in the night, so we decided to order some food and return to our sexual activities later. We ordered some pizza, nothing too fancy. They told us it was going to take at least a half-hour. It was the night of a big game, so more people than usual were ordering from them. The four of us had nothing to do, so we decided to wait. While we waited, we kept up our drinking, deciding to put music on. About twenty minutes after we called for the pizza, there was a knock at the door. We all exchanged looks, knowing that it had been less than 30 minutes. We simply shrugged it off. When I answered the door, no one was standing there. Confused, I walked down the stairs to look around. When I didn’t see anything, I started back up the stairs. I felt someone grab me, covering my mouth and nose with their hand. I began to struggle, but the man was much bigger and stronger than me. He was holding a rag with chloroform on it. Before I passed out, I remembered him telling some guys to come on. 

I woke up in my bedroom, tied to my bed. T was tied up next to me. I could tell she was also just coming to. We both had tape on our mouths, and we were naked. We weren’t sure what was going on. We also weren’t sure if anything had happened to us while we were knocked out. We heard footsteps walking towards the room, then the door slamming open. Two tall men came in. they were wearing ski masks, dressed in all black. One of the men taped our feet, so we wouldn’t be able to run. When he was done, the other man untied us from the bedpost. The man who taped out feet picked me up, while the other guy picked up T. They walked us down the stairs, where Mariana and Butts were sitting on the floor, their feet also tied. They were also naked and gagged.  They sat us down next to them, then walked out of the room. They were only gone a few moments, two more men coming back into the room with them. 

The men took turns using us. They passed us around like fleshlights, using both our cunts and assholes. All four of us were soaking wet, which the men made it a point to mention. They called us disgusting and depraved for enjoying what they were doing to us. They removed the tape from our mouths, tellings us to clean their cocks from all the cunt and ass juices. Two of the men DP’d T, while the other two men took runs throat fucking the three of us. When they were done with T, the two men grabbed me and Mirana, tellings us to open our mouths. They pissed all over our mouths and faces, calling us “disgusting little urinals.” Butts was having her ass destroyed, while T had a cock in her mouth. The four men pent each of us to the ground, fucking our cunts. They all blew their loads in our fertile holes. The men took the time to fuck their cum as deep as they could into us. When they were satisfied, one of the men made me tell them my phone password. They grabbed my phone from the table, then did some typing. When the man was done, he threw the phone at me, then they all walked out. The first notification was a message from Sir. The text read, “Hope you don’t mind me turning on your location on Snapchat. Have fun with your friends,” he signed it off with a winky face. Before I could respond, I heard more footsteps in the house. We noticed the pizza we ordered was sitting on the coffee table, so we knew it wasn’t the delivery people. The four of us smiled at each other, then opened our legs, welcoming whoever was coming in to use us next. We knew it was going to be a long, horny night.

On Hold

Like always, I woke up with tasks from Master. Today, the only task I had was to drink water a bottle of water every half hour. I knew what was in store for today, but I didn’t know how bad it’d be. After a quick shower and breakfast, I started with my task. Master had dropped off a case of water at my house the day prior, so I should’ve seen this coming. I knocked back the first few bottles of water with ease. It wasn’t until the fifth bottle where I started to fill my growing urge. I drank the next two bottles, really feeling my bladder start to struggle. I had forgotten I had invited a few of my friends over to work on a school project, and they were due to come over at any moment. I had gotten dressed in a pair of sweat pants and a white t-shirt, something simple. I drank another bottle before I got a text telling me they were here. I opened the door, hugging each of the girls as they filed in. We all sat on the couch, catching up with one another. My bladder was at full capacity now, and I knew it wasn’t long until I had no choice but to piss. Master texted my phone, telling me to have fun with the girls. He acted as if he had forgotten he hadn’t allowed me to piss, but I knew he didn’t. He wanted me to suffer as long as possible. The cameras he had installed in my house didn’t allow me to piss freely. I knew he would check to see if I went or not. I couldn’t sit still, no matter how hard I tried. I guess Master was watching the cameras because he had texted me to call him to ask for permission in five minutes. I smiled, knowing this torture was soon coming to an end. After five minutes passed, I excused myself, making a beeline to the kitchen. I called Master, but to my surprise, his secretary answered. When she heard my voice, she recognized me immediately. She told me that Master was busy on a phone call that had started a few minutes ago. She told me she was going to put me on hold and tell Master I was on the line waiting. She came back a second later, telling me he told her to keep me on hold and that he’d get to me as soon as possible. I was gone for maybe ten minutes, prompting my friends to come in to check on me. Being I had my back turned to them, I didn’t notice they came in. I could feel my bladder starting to give, no matter how hard I tried to hold it. As I helplessly began to piss my sweats. The moment I started to pee, I heard Master’s voice on the phone. “Sorry to keep you on hold so long, sweetheart. Looking at the cameras, I just saw what just happened. What a shame. You can never hold your bladder for me, huh? Well, that’s okay. Go get changed. And, darling, your friends are behind you.” With that, Master hung up. My eyes grew wide as I processed what he had just said. I turned around to see my friends staring at me in shock, as I stood in a puddle of my own piss.

New Years Resolution

As a New Years’ resolution, he agreed to become my slave. He wasn’t too sure what “becoming my slave” meant, but he was willing to learn. I gave him his collar, that he wasn’t allowed to take off, on New Years Day. Two weeks after the New Year, he gave up all rights to orgasm whenever he felt like. This was followed two weeks later by not being allowed to orgasm at all. This relationship was all about my pleasure, not his, and I made sure to quickly instill that in him. Next, was underwear choice. He purchased his first pair of panties for himself in the second week of February. It only took him a week to commit to only wearing panties. Of course, he was made to throw out any boxers and briefs he had. This was a commitment after all. He agreed to chastity in early March, after I told him he had the possibility to be allowed cum again. I must admit, I used his desperation and cum filled balls to my advantage. I’m sure he thought I would reward him by letting him cum the “normal” way, but that wasn’t going to happen of course. Again, this was all for my pleasure, not his. Even him cumming was for my pleasure. April was when we started to stretch his asshole, well now boipussy. We started with my fingers, then slowly worked our way up. Markers, hair bushes, plugs, small dildos. By mid-May, he was taking my strap. It was a pretty thick six-inch cock, that always managed to make him sore. June was his first sissygasm, cumming from having his boipussy fucked. I kept him in chastity, all this time. In July, we brought him a different type of cage. A dog cage that was big enough to hold a Great Dane. We kept it at the end of the bed. He was made to sleep in it a few times a week. He was finally used to his permanent chastity in August. He told me he couldn’t imagine not wearing his cage. Since he was put in chastity, he had learned to pleasure me using his tongue, fingers, and toys, but we knew this wouldn’t last long. My birthday was quickly approaching by September, it was only a month away. He used the rest of the month figuring out where to look for my birthday gift. On the night of my birthday, I came home to an amazing gift. He was taller than me and looked like he could pick me up with one hand. He was much older than me, but that’s what I liked. His cock was massive and stretched my tight cunt and ass out all night. This was the first night slave performed his cleanup duty. I made my decision in the middle of November to stop using condoms. Early December, my birthday gift, let us move into his house. Of course, slave slept in his cage, while I laid in the man’s bed every night. On New Year’s Eve, my pregnancy test came back positive, and I couldn’t be happier. I was pregnant with another man’s baby, and my slave played witness to every moment this man slide his cock into me. The first few times, he begged the man not to cum in me, but of course, he didn’t have a say. He was just a slave, anyway. When I showed them the positive test, they were ecstatic. I would almost say my slave was the happiest of all. It’s been a year since he told me he loved his permanent chastity. He’s become our maid, our nanny, and our stress reliever. He hasn’t been out of his chastity cage for over a year. He gets fucked every night loving that his hole easily gapes now. He still cleans up this man’s cum from my cunt. I married the man who once was my birthday gift. The three of us have never been so happier. Our only regret is not doing this sooner.

Subtle Reminders

Ever since I met my King, my life has been changed. He taught me just what a pathetic, stupid, incompetent, bimbo, piss loving cumslut I am, and for that, I am beyond thankful. When he first became my King, I wasn’t allowed to leave the house. He wanted to train me at home first, making sure we had a well-established set of rules and expectations in and outside of the house. When he was satisfied, he started with a new level of rules and submission. Every morning, he chooses my clothes. I have no say in what it is at all. He can make me wear shorts and a t-shirt in the cold or a coat and scarf in 90-degree weather. This is just the beginning of his subtle domination. He always gives me the choice to change my clothes, but he knows I won’t do it. Yesterday, my King made me wear a short summer dress and sandals in thirty-degree weather. I was freezing cold, but I didn’t care, but I was obeying my King. 

Another thing my King likes to do is remind me in public how much of a stupid slut I am. Last week, while we were at the grocery store, my King came up behind me and whispered that I was a dumb, brainless, worthless, cunt that was lucky I was allowed out of the house. He said it in a low, sweet, kind voice. He kissed me softly then smiled at me. Anyone who saw would’ve thought it was a sweet moment, maybe him telling me he loved me, but it was the complete opposite. 

A few weeks ago, my King and I were at the mall. He began to talk a little louder, to bring attention to us. When enough people were looking, he told me to hand him my panties. I knew better to argue, so I took them off and handed them to him. Me, along with everyone who was now paying attention to us, watched as my King went into the bathroom with my panties. After a few minutes, he came back. He handed me my panties, which were now soaking wet and smelled of piss. I wasn’t sure if he pissed on them, had another man piss on them, or if he simply soaked them in the urinal or toilet. When he told me to put them back on, of course, I did.

On the night of my birthday, my King and I went to a nice restaurant. In the middle of dinner, he told me to find another woman in the restaurant and to switch panties with her. He only gave me ten minutes to do this. He knows just how shy I am, so he enjoys making me do things like this. I went to different tables, interrupting people’s conversations and meals. A few people laughed at me while others chose to ignore me. One group of girls decided to laugh and mock me, making sure that everyone heard what I was asking for. One girl asked, “You want WHAT? To switch PANTIES? What kind of pathetic slut are you?” Everyone in the surrounding area was laughing giggling as they listened to girls ridicule me. Finally, though, a woman agreed to switch with me. She was middle-aged, closer to elder. When we walked into the bathroom, she told me she’d only do it if I ate her pussy. I knew I had no time to look for someone else to switch with, so I ate her pussy right in the restaurant’s bathroom stall. 

Sometimes while I’m at school, my king will make me wear a see-through shirt with no bra. Other days, he’ll let me wear a bra that has either thumbtacks or sandpaper in the cups. He makes sure that the bra barely fits, so I have to feel the cups or tacks all day long. 

Tomorrow, my King will be taking me to get a bikini wax. Sure, this is normal, but not when you have a huge tattoo that says ‘Brainless Holes’’ right on your cunt. He takes me to a different waxing place every time, just so as many people can see it as possible. 

Along with all of these previous moments, my King loves to spit in my mouth. This is the tamest thing he does. He does this when he doesn’t feel like completely humiliating me or reminding me of my place. We also do this a lot in front of our families. He does it in such a way that you’d never know what he was doing. It looks like a simple, normal kiss. 

These are just a few of the things my King does to express his dominance over me. Obviously, he can’t just do whatever he wants to me in public, so these things are important. I love how my King treats me, and I need that constant reminder of how insignificant I am. Without him, I would’ve never realized my true purpose in life, to serve and not thank. His subtle or not so subtle reminders show me my purpose. It shows me how much he cares to remind me. 

Doll’s First Buttplug

Because of Covid, our big family gathering for Christmas was canceled. Dad and I had spent the year together, hoping that this pandemic would come to an end, but it was obvious we’d be dealing with this well into the new year. Because we had family from all over, some of them being older or having underlying health conditions, we thought the smartest thing to do would be to stay in our own homes. Dad and I didn’t mind spending the holiday together. We have definitely been enjoying each other’s company, and this was the most we’ve been with each other since I started college. Over the summer, dad and I began to take our relationship in a different direction. Dad started making me suck his cock, teaching me how to swallow his load. The whole summer was filled with the two of us performing oral on each other. This was fun until we both started to want more. Dad and I didn’t want to take a chance on him fucking my cunt. Dad wasn’t a fan of condoms, nor was I fan of birth control. If I got pregnant, our whole family would know that he did it. Not wanting to deal with that, we opted for a different hole. 

I come down the stairs on Christmas morning to see dad sitting in his chair. There are quite a few gifts under the tree, but he was holding one in his hand. “Merry Christmas, Baby,” dad says, kissing me. He hands me the little pink box, telling me to open this one first. It was hard to contain my excitement when I saw what the box contained. Three stainless steel buttplugs with a pretty pink jewel on the top of them laid in the box. The plugs varied in size. They weren’t too big or too small. Dad reaches down, pulling out a bottle of lube. We share a smile, then run up to my room. “Undress,” he says, slapping my ass playfully. Dad loved the sight of his naked daughter, and he always made sure to let me know that. He kisses me; before telling me to get on the bed. He tells me to lay on my stomach and put my ass in the air. Dad dives in face first, licking my virgin asshole. After getting it nice and wet, he starts to slowly push one of his fingers into my ass. He moves it back and forth slowly, not wanting to hurt me. After a few minutes, he takes his finger out of my ass, sticking it in my mouth. I sucking his finger, while he slaps my ass repeatedly. When he takes his finger out of my mouth, he turns his attention to the plugs. He picks up the smallest plug, adding a generous amount of lube. “Ready?” I shake my head, yes, smiling at my dad. He starts to push the plug into my slowly. I start to grimace and bite my lip, feeling the tiny plug push into my even tinier hole. The plug pops into my hole, earning me a “good girl,” from daddy. He starts to move the plug back and forth in me, slowly at first. As he picked up speed, my moaning increased. He couldn’t help but laugh, as he listened to his daughter enjoy her first experience of butt play. After enjoying my little moans, dad pushes the plug all the way into me, leaving it there. “I take it you like your new gift?” I kiss dad, before shaking my head in response. “You’re going to wear this little plug as often as possible, so daddy’s cock will fit in there. Do you understand?” I shake my head yes, in response again. “Good girl. Now, let’s go open the rest of your presents, shall we?” “Yes, daddy, even though none of them will ever top my first buttplug!” Dad laughs, then slaps my ass before we head back down to the remaining presents.

A Christmas Cucking

For most people, Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, but for my wife, she dreads it. With my job occupation, it’s easy to think that the reason for her feelings would be because I’m so busy, but that’s not it at all! A few years ago, I came across a dirty little elf named doll. I guess you can say she’s become my ‘special’ little helper. Now during the first 11 months of the year, I don’t mind Mrs. Claus. Admittedly, she isn’t as tight as she used to be. She’s fine for just a quick relief, but when it comes to this extremely hectic time of year, I need something better. I need tight, wet holes that are willing and ready for anything and everything I ask it to. Doll was the perfect elf for this. She wasn’t much of a worker, but she was a massive slut. She was perfect for this position. It all started when my health started to take a turn due to the heavy amount of stress I would face in such a short time. My doctor recommended I find a way to relieve stress, so when I saw Doll, I knew exactly how I was going to relieve my stress. I brought the idea to up Mrs. Claus, and at first, she was angry. I couldn’t blame her, we’ve been together forever, but this was for my health! After a while, she gave in. 

At first, Doll and I kept our relationship to ourselves. At first, it was only around Christmas time. Now, I only fuck Doll. Everyone in the North Pole knows that I have no interest in fucking my older, more boring wife. Recently, Mrs. Claus has been complaining about the lack of time I’ve given her. To remedy this, I now only fuck Doll in front of Mrs. Claus. It’s the hottest fuck I’ve ever had! Since it’s now the week of Christmas, it’s crunch time, and I’m beyond stressed. Last night, I made Mrs. Claus lay in bed while I fucked Doll right next to her. She was the one who wanted the bonding time, so I was sure she wasn’t going to complain, and if she did, I would’ve reminded her whose idea it was. Nevertheless, she didn’t complain. I made Doll and her look at each other while I destroyed Doll’s cunt. I made sure to also fuck Doll’s ass, making a point to remind Mrs. Claus that she never let me do this. Doll and I dirty talked and moaned, not paying any mind to my now crying wife laying next to us. I fucked Doll harder, trying to make her moans louder than my wife. It didn’t take much to achieve that. When I was close to cumming, Doll told me to cum in her cunt. I didn’t hesitate to push back into her wet pussy. When I told her I was about to cum, she begged me to fill her young cunt to the brim. “Fill my cunt Santa! I did what you told me to! I stopped my birth control just like you told me to,” she moaned out, keeping eye contact with my wife the whole time. The words were still hanging in the air as I filled her cunt. Loud moans and grunts filled the room, drowning out any cries and sobs my wife let out. I kissed Doll when I finished cumming in her. After the kiss, I turned my attention to my wife. She was now blubbering. She knew about our relationship, and it wasn’t the first time she saw us fucking, but this was different. She was fully aware of my intentions to breed this much younger and tighter girl. It had finally set in that she was the talk of the North Pole. Everyone knew about us, and everyone was going to know it was my baby growing in this sexy little elf’s belly. “If you want to save whatever dignity you have left, I suggest you get your face down in her cunt and get every drop of cum out. You wouldn’t want the whole North Pole to know that you watched your jolly, old husband impregnate someone else.” With a sigh and more tears dripping down, she dived face-first into the girl’s cunt. It was hilarious to watch, especially because I’m going to breed Doll anyway. Just early today, she rode my stiff hard cock while I finished checking my naughty and nice lists. I erupted another load into her fertile, tight cunt. I swear, there’s nothing better than a Christmas Cucking!

Too Old to Believe in Santa?

It was Christmas Eve, and Sir let Mariana and I have some Christmas fun. The two of us baked cookies and watched Christmas movies. Sir watched us enjoying ourselves, smirking to himself. Mariana and I knew by the way Sir was looking at us; something was up. When it got closer to our bedtime, Sir suggested that the two of us slept together. This was a bit weird, but we knew not to question Sir. When we were settled in bed, Sir told us to fall asleep quickly. Santa was coming, and we needed to asleep for him to come. The two of us laughed, looking at Sir. “Sir, we’re too old to believe in Santa,” I said, Mariana, nodding along. “You two sluts keep believing that,” Sir said, walking out of the room. Mariana and I shrugged it off, laying down. The two of us drifted off the sleep. 

“Doll! Doll! Wake up! I think I hear something,” Mariana whispered, shaking me out of my sleep. I looked at the time on my phone, realizing it was still the middle of the night. “It’s probably just Sir or something. I’m sure it’s fine,” I say, assuring her it’s nothing. Before I could roll over and go back to bed, I hear a noise coming from downstairs. We both look at each other, both of us now scared. “Let’s get Sir,” I say, quietly climbing out of bed. As I walked around the floor as softly as possible, I heard footsteps coming up the stairs. I could tell immediately it wasn’t Sir. I freeze in fear, hearing the footsteps grow closer. The bedroom door flings open, a man dressed as Santa stood in the doorway. We both stared at the man, too scared to say anything. He walked further into the room, locking the door behind him. Since I was closest to him, he grabbed me first. I tried to fight him off, but he was too strong for me. He wrestled me to the ground, taking his hard cock from his pants. He shoved his cock into my ass, all while ignoring my crying and begging for him not to. He fucked my cunt, while Mariana watched in horror. She knew she would be enduring what I was going through. The guy kept fucking me, each thrust hurting more than the last. Eventually, gave up on begging, and deciding to just keep quiet. He switched to my asshole, shoving myself in without warning. I couldn’t help myself from screaming in pain, going back to begging him to have mercy. My begging only made him harder though. He started to mock me, repeating my pathetic pleas. When he was bored with me, he pulled out of me. He stormed towards Mariana who was still in the bed. She had tried to crawl away from him, but he ended up grabbing her, anyway. He shoved his cock in her mouth before she could even beg him not to hurt her. Her gags and coughs, along with his grunts, were the only noises in the room. He fucked Mariana’s cunt and ass, shoving his cock in my mouth when he was done. He fucked my throat till he was about to cum, telling me not to swallow his cum. He filled my mouth up, then told me to share it was Mariana. We started to do a cum swap, all while the man lazily jacked his cock. When we were allowed to swallow, he told us to get back in bed. He opened the door and left, leaving us to our thoughts. The two of us sat there sore and crying, comforting each other as best as possible. Eventually, we fell back asleep. When Sir came in the morning, he acted as if he didn’t hear what happened during the night. “Master, who was that guy who came in our room last now,” Mariana asked? “What guy?” Mariana and I shared a confused look for a moment. “The man who came into our room and fucked us in the middle of the night. Dressed as Santa,” I explained. “Girls, I didn’t have anyone come here last night. I really don’t know what you two are talking about. I’m serious,” “You don’t think…”, I shot a glance at Mariana. “No, no it can’t be,” Mariana laughed nervously. “Told you, girls, you should believe in Santa. He’s real. But he’s not the guy you hear in fairytales.”

The Christmas Party

It was finally the end of the year, and Sir’s favorite bar was having their annual Christmas party. Every year, one of the regulars had their name picked, meaning their slaves would be the ones working the party. This year, Sir’s name was picked. Sir wasn’t worried in the slightest. He trained Aubery, Mariana, and I well. We knew how to cook, clean, drink piss, and everything else, all while we walked around in nothing but a collar and tall heels. The night of the party, we arrived before everyone else. We wanted to make sure everything is ready before people start to show up.

The party was going great. The three of us walked around, taking food and drink orders, cleaning, or being used by one of the men. I watched as a man fucked Aubrey’s throat, as another man told her what he wanted to drink. Mariana and I were dragged into the bathroom and used as urinals and cum dumps. We also ended up getting DP’d on the bar floor, in front of everyone. The party became more of us getting used and pissed on by the men; instead of us actually playing waitresses. Sir said everyone knew that we were huge sluts, which was why the men were more focused on our bodies than the actual party. Each of us took cock in all three of our holes. The men made us do things to each other, too, like making out or finger each other’s asses. Before the party was over, the three of us received facials from all the men. The party was such a hit, everyone insisted that we covered every Christmas and birthday party from now on.

Santa’s Little Helpers

This time of year is, of course, the busiest time of year of Santa and everyone in the North Pole. While the elves do their jobs, getting everything ready for the big day, we have an even more special and important job. Santa’s little helpers help keep Santa as happy and relaxed as possible leading up to Christmas. Our job is to drain his balls as often as he needs. From the moment he wakes up from the moment he goes to bed, at least one of us is with Santa. We take turns cockwarming his cock while he eats breakfast. After breakfast, he chooses a random helper to dump his first load of the day in. The hole he chooses is completely up to him. We don’t get a say, nor do we want one. After checking on the elves, he goes to his office until lunch. He chooses a helper to help him read out letters to him. While reading him his mail, you sit on his cock while he fucks up into you. If you start to moan or get too caught up in being fucked, Santa makes you get off his cock. The punishment is being made to go outside naked to feed the reindeer. When lunch comes, he allows us to suck his cock and balls. He doesn’t get up from the table until he’s came on us. On days where he’s not too busy, he likes to take us all outside in the snow. He makes us strip down naked; then he throws snowballs at us. He always says this is his favorite way to relieve his stress. The closer it gets to Christmas Eve, the more often he does this. By Christmas Eve, all of his helpers have been thoroughly used and abused. By the time it’s all over, it’s hard to find a helper that isn’t excited for next year’s Christmas to come.