Earning Daddy’s Love: Lesson 2

It had been about two weeks since dad had given me the ultimatum that changed our relationship. I went from despising this man to taking his cock and cum down my mouth daily. Dad had decided to give my rules a few at a time, though he had written all of them. The first rules he had given me were reiterations of the ones I had as a child. I had to cook meals at a certain time, clean daily, and ask for permission to go out. He made an amendment to one of the rules he had given me when I was younger. He told me when I was a teenager I wasn’t allowed to lock my door unless I was changing. Now, my door stays open 24/7. Along with these rules came new, more fucked up ones. Dad took my bed from my room, telling me I wasn’t allowed on furniture unless I was being used. He told me I would be allowed my bed back after I finished all my lessons, though he was sure I wouldn’t want it back by the time we were done. He was kind enough to give me a pink doggy bed to sleep in, but I had to ask every night if I was allowed to sleep in it. Another rule he gave me was I wasn’t allowed clothes if I was in the house. I had to always be naked. He wanted to see what was his. With this also came daily hole inspections. If he allowed me out of the house, he picked my clothes and I was never allowed panties. I also had to ask to eat lunch and dinner, I had to ask to go to the bathroom, I even had to ask if I could go to bed. He wanted to control everything. The reason I didn’t have to ask if I could eat breakfast was because his cum would be my breakfast every day. I was to milk his load out of him any way I could. When I finally got my reward, it would be my breakfast. For the next rule, he told me there would be more to this as time went on, but to start out I’d wash him morning and night and he would grope me while I washed him. The last rule he gave me for now was saying thank you for everything he did to me. If he came on my face or if he slapped me I always had to say thank you. When he allowed me to eat or go to the bathroom I had to say thank you. Even if I was told no, I’d still have to thank him for making me a better daughter. 

Also during these two weeks, even though I sucked dad’s cock every morning, he allowed me to suck it every time I was sad or I needed to apologize for something. He brought the beatings back, but I learned to understand that he was beating me out of love and out of wanting me to be better. They still hurt, but I appreciated them. I appreciated that he cared. When dinner was a minute late or something was still dirty, he would beat me senseless. Once I started crying and begging for forgiveness, he would pick me up from the floor and kiss me. He would walk me over to the couch and apologize for hurting me before telling me to suck his cock. His cock became a comfort to me. I’d crave to suck it every time something was wrong. Dad would always remind me how much of a good daughter I was when his cock was in my mouth. 

Dad’s next came lesson in two parts. For the first two weeks after I made my decision, he would either cum in my mouth, on my face, or in his hand before I swallowed his load for breakfast. It wasn’t hard at all to eat his cum up, but once I got too comfortable with this, he knew he had to up the humiliation. The morning started like usual. I woke up well before dad did, making sure to get breakfast on the table. By the time dad woke up, his breakfast and coffee were waiting for him. Usually, I would go under the table and work on my breakfast, but this morning was different. He made me cockwarm his cock while he ate, but I wasn’t allowed to full on suck it. He just wanted me to keep in hard. Once he was done eating he stood up from the table. He commanded I suck him, which I did eagerly. Once he got close to cumming, he told me to get off of him. I waited eagerly to feel his cum splash across my face, but it didn’t. I watched him back up from me until there was a good enough space between us. He didn’t want any of the cum hitting me. He released his load all over the floor, which resulted in whining and pouting from me. “This is your next lesson. As I told you before, my cum is precious. Besides my cock, my cum is the most important thing to you. You are to lick it up from wherever it is. Emphasis on wherever. I figured I’d start slow. Lick my cock up from the floor.” As I started to protest, dad yelled at me, “If I want to eat anything for the next three days I suggest you take that dignity you still somehow have and swallow it along with my cum.” I knew I couldn’t fight him and I knew he would starve me. I began crawling across the floor lapping up his cum. He laughed at me as I did it, making sure to tell me how pathetic he thought I was. When I finished, he spat on my face before telling me to clean up. We had repeated this cycle for three days, before I stopped showing signs of being replaced. He would cum randomly on different things in the house. He would cum on tables, chairs, on our shoes. I’d always get a kiss on the forehead and a “good girl” when I swallowed it. On the fifth day, he allowed me to cock warm him while he ate breakfast, but when he was done, he made me follow him to the bathroom. He jacked off over the toilet, the lid closed at first. I showed signs of hesitation to lick up his cum, which earned me a kick in the side. After three days of cumming on the closed lid and the base of the toilet, it came time for the hard part. On the seventh day, he left the toilet lid up, cumming on the seat of the toilet. I watched in horror as I watched his cum shoot all across it. I shook my head no before he even asked me to lick it. He chuckled at my reaction before grabbing me. He placed one hand in my hair, the other held my arms back. He forced me to stick my tongue out. He told me whether I stuck my tongue out or not, he was rubbing my face on the toilet seat regardless. It didn’t take long for me to lick the cum from the seat. After four days and him solely cumming on the toilet seat anytime he came, I began to lick the cum up on my own. This made daddy really proud of me. I also started to lick up his spit too. On the fourteenth day, dad woke up before me. I thought I was going to be punished, but he assured me I wasn’t. He told me it was time for my next lesson. He dragged me to the bathroom before pulling his boxers down. He made me grab his cock before telling me to aim it at the toilet. He began to piss while I held it, which made me feel gross and made me fear what was coming next. After he was done. He made me suck his cock. I could still taste a bit of the piss that was left, which made me gag. Dad punched me in the head before telling me to get over it. Once he was close to cumming, he pulled his cock out of my mouth. He held my breath as I began licking the cum up. Before I could finish, he walked up behind me, grabbed my hair, and dunked my face in the piss filled toilet. He laughed as I struggled to breathe. He only kept me down for a few seconds before pulling me up. I was gasping for air all while trying my hardest to not get any of the piss in my mouth as it dripped from my hair and face. “Welcome to your next lesson sweetheart, being my piss princess. By the end of this, you’ll be swallowing my piss down from the tap. Now go make my breakfast before I drown you in this toilet.”

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